Rise Above This

Fifth Letter

Dear you,

The last couple months of every year are always going to hit you hard. With the anniversary of your uncles death on your mind, and the situation with Kyle, it's understandable.

Sure, people wont understand why your moods are changing. Why it's so easy for you to snap at them, or cry on the spot. But sometimes, you do need to let people in.

It'll be okay for you to finally open up to your dad about Kyle. So what, your dad may not like that some guy tried doing that to his little girl, and he may over react, but you know what? In time, he'll cool down, and he'll understand why you need to leave.

I know the next few months, your moods will fluctuate. You'll seem sort of bipolar to everyone around you, just try not to be too difficult.

Know that if you ever have one of your breakdowns again, just do what you always do; take your iPod and head to the bathroom, shut the door, and cry on the floor. It seems weird, but it's your best kind of therapy.

If the memories and nightmares become to much for you, don't do the worst thing imaginable. No one would be able to take it if you started cutting again. It's been months, don't disappoint anyone, yourself especially.

When Christmas time rolls around, stay strong. I know you get extremely emotional around then and really on edge. Take a deep breathe. Relax. And try not to have a panic attack.

You'll probably get a call from Hayden. Answer it. Don't be afraid. Your stronger than you think. I know you will be able to answer it, and talk to him about what went down this time last year. Listen to him, but don't forgive him. You are stronger without him, but don't forget to thank him for the life lessons he taught you.

In the end, you'll learn what it takes to make yourself happy and to keep yourself going strong. Don't break under stress these last few months. They go by so fast, and then things will be back to normal.

Hold your head high,
<3 Me.
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I don't know if it makes sense. But whatever.