Rise Above This

Seventh Letter

Dear Rachel,

I’ll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake. Your favourite lyric. In one of your favourite songs oh if only you knew how much it was going to relate to your life. So it’s your last year of school, it may seem like it’s far away now but trust me it’s not! You’ve made some great friends and you start to really feel like you belong somewhere, you may feel the pressure of a lot of coursework but as long as you focus and keep your head down you’ll easily get through it.

So you finally seem to have a great group of friends and believe me for once they all truly are your friends! Then you meet him the only guy who seems to take your mind off your problems and one of the only people who seem to genuinely make you laugh. Trust me he’s really not that great and he will try to get you to do stuff you really don’t want to at first its little things that so you don’t really say anything. Soon you’re keeping secrets from all of your friends and he seems to be able to snap his fingers and you’ll land at his feet you don’t know why but you just can’t seem to help yourself.

Then he turns 16 and things start to get worse he tries everything in his power to get you into bed with him. No matter how many times you tell him no, he just doesn’t seem to get the message. So naturally you end the relationship then you go through the next month of him trying to win you back telling you he’s sorry and he loves you. Just remember that whatever happens do not give in, I know it seems hard now but trust me it will all be worth it in the end.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is remember you will rise above this.

x x Rachel x x <3