So What? I'm Still a Rockstar

We're All Gonna Start A Fight

Trash. That's exactly what I feel like right now. I'm up to no good but, I'm not going to give up all my fame and fortune for rehabilitation. What am I, crazy? I'm the richest teen in Australia! Woo! Go me!

Today was going to be a clear Spring day so I settled on this..I am dressed in nice clothes, ready to head over to Rory's house to talk to him.My heart is pounding out of my chest , I don't think I am ready to do this.

I don't want to be a 'bad girl' anymore so I probably should. If I'm not ready now; I don't think I'll ever be ready. Oh well, here goes.

I knocked on the door and a little girl answered with this grin on her face.

"Excuse me sweetie, I'm looking for Rory; is he here?'I asked.
"Oh yea, he's with his girlfriend." I think she saw the alarm in my eyes and quickly tried to cover up her mistake, "I mean his friend, who's a girl?" She posed it as a question.

I went in the house it seemed kind of dirty and dusty like no one has cleaned it for a month. His cleaners must be sick again. I walked up the stairs and walked in to Rory's room and you wouldn't guess what I saw, some slut and Rory making out on his bed.

"What! Why are you going behind my back and laying random sluts?" I asked angrily.
"I only liked you for the sex, but hey you are old and used, she's a virgin."He said and pointed at the girl on top of him.
"I loved you! I thought we had something special!"
"Obviously not." He sneered.
"That's it we're through!" I screamed as I stormed down the stairs.

I caught curly hair out of the corner of my eye I saw the little girl standing beside th e front door.

"I'm sorry." She said quietly and ran upstairs.

I opened the door with all my anger and slammed it behind me. I felt so used I have never felt like this before, I couldn't breathe properly, I was crying that hard. I can't believe this, I gave him everything, my heart and my virginity.

I was walking home and I was almost half way there, when a convertible pulled over.
"How much for a screw?" The driver asked.
I put up my rude finger and started to cuss every word in the cussing dictionary.

I took of my heels of and held them and ran the rest of the way home. I had a bit of an accident; no I didn't pee, I split my skirt up the middle and now, passers by had a excellent view of my panties.

"Shit!" I cussed under my breath. This was not my day.
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Another chapter for all you lovies! (hehe.)
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Chapter written by agent12 & edited by XsummerXXfunX