Tomb Raider: The Midnight Stone

Chapter One - The Finding

The lights were dim in Croft Manor and the embers were slowly dying in the fireplace. Behind a computer screen,Zip yawned and rubbed his tired eyes; trying desperately to stay awake. He had been up all night searching for any myths, legends or archaeological findings which might spark interest to the explorer, myth-hunter and world famous archaeologist who relied on his knowledge of all things technical.

The cool night breeze brought with it the sound of light footsteps on the landing, approaching swiftly. Alarmed, Zip looked up; to see a dark silhouette making it's way down the central stairs, framed by the midnight moonlight.
A familiar voice resounded clear in the silent house and Lady Lara Croft entered the small computer room clutching a large, well-read tome thickly layered with dust.
"Oh, Zip!" Lara gushed "Look at this".

Lara pointed to an article riddled with intricate designs, while Zip looked at her in distaste; books were more Alistair's thing. Zip looked at Lara in surprise, she must have been up all night reading. The Countess Of Abbingdon was wearing a short, silk nightgown which shimmered a midnight blue colour; her poise that of impatience as she waited for a response on her find.

Dejectedly Zip focused on an illustration of a polished rock set in a stone obelisk.
"What's all this?" Zip asked puzzled.
Lara's face lit up with excitement as she replied, "The Midnight Stone. No one knows what it does, or where it's located for that matter, but that's exactly what I want to find out. Father used to tell me all sorts of stories, but the legend of the Midnight Stone has always been my favourite. But that's the point Zip, I don't believe it's just a story; I think it's real".
"So, you want me to research it?" Zip questioned.
A smile played on Lara's lips, as if she knew something he didn't.
"No thankyou, Zip. You see, I think I already know where one piece of the stone is located".
Zip paused to scratch his head, now even more confused. Then with a sigh he questioned Lara, "One piece?".

Lara continued relating the tale of the mysterious stone, "Yes Zip. The stone is made up of four pieces; two crescent moons and a gem holder, all made of pure sapphire. The fourth and most important piece is a diamond, rumoured to be the most beautiful ever found. All of the pieces are man-made, so i think they were probably used for ceremonial purposes".
A sudden thought dawned on Zip. Interested he asked, "But, where are the other pieces?".
Lara shook her head sadly "I don't know Zip, the pieces were distributed world-wide one thousand years or so ago, so I'm guessing their creator did not intend the stone's secrets to be discovered".

Both Zip and Lara looked up at the sudden appearance of Alistair, fumbling in the darkness for the light switch.
Announcing himself he questioned - "What's all this noise about?".
Pulling out a chair, Lara explained her latest discovery; knowing they would be discussing this matter well into the morning.

LOCATION - Firstly, Croft Manor; England. Secondly, Australia, The Salt Sea.

"Australia!?" Alistair exclaimed "what's a stone doing in Australia?".
Lara shrugged, tired of the endless questions. "I'm not sure Alistair, but I recall my Father mentioning an ancient temple by the salt sea; but I can't say if it's fact or fiction".
The sound of computer keys been pressed filled the room. Suddenly Zip shouted triumphantly, "Got something!".

Alistair and Lara huddled round the computer monitor, anticipation lighting their faces. Zip took a deep breath, regaining his voice before he spoke;"It says here the ancient Australian locals had a small village near the salt sea, and one day when they cleared an area of tough grass and gorse bushes they came across a rock in the shape of a half moon. Sounds like your stone Lara".
Grinning, Lara stood up; knowing the whereabouts of the first crescent had been confirmed. "Does it say what happened to it, Zip? she queried.
Nodding, Zip continued telling the story of Australia's first ancient civilisation, and their encounter with one of the stone's pieces. "It says here the villager's "took the rock back to show the village council, who were fascinated by it's beauty and simplicity; and so displayed it in the centre of the village. Soon thereafter, many deaths followed; and the villagers blamed the stone, condemning it a token of death. They then set about building a temple to hide the stone from the world, fearing someone else might find it and release it's evil on the world".

Lara walked briskly to the door, then with a smile turned and said, "Lads, prepare the helicopter. I'm headed 'down under'.
After Lara had packed, she changed into something more suitable for a hot climate. Opening her wardrobe, she chose a warm yellow crop top and a pair of black shorts. Picking her belt up from off her bedroom floor, Lara buckled it; adjusted her backpack, then descended the stairs to meet Zip and Alistair.
Concerned, Zip questioned, "Lara, are you sure we should do this? I mean, you've had no sleep and you don't even know what the stone does. It could kill you!".
Humoured by this remark Lara replied, "Oh, Zip, Please!. Firstly, I can sleep on the way there since we're going to be a long time flying. And to answer your second question, I know way too much to turn back now. And dying is a risk I'm prepared to take, to ease my curiosity".
Raising an eyebrow, Zip simply answered, "Alright".

Together they walked to the helicopter in the yard, and Lara jumped in the back. Making herself comfortable, she soon fell asleep; preparing herself for the dangerous ordeal she was to face later the same day.
Many hours later Lara opened her eyes to brilliant sunlight. Temporarily blinded, she gasped and shielded her eyes from the unforgiving sun. Recovering, she leaped energetically from the helicopter onto warm, white crystals of salt. Smiling, she turned to see Alistair riffling through a book; muttering to himself.
"I see we're here" she said happily.
Taken aback by her sudden appearance, Alistair stuttered, "Lara!. Yes, well... look, I've found a map of where we are now". Pointing to a page he said, "The temple should be around here somewhere...".
Feeling the guns at her sides, Lara flashed him a sparkling smile. "Great!". she declared enthusiastically.
Together they split up, searching for the hidden temple. After about half an hour of fruitless searching, Zip signalled for Lara and Alistair to join him.
Rushing to meet him, they looked down at where he was pointing; the temple was hidden behind a rocky formation, surrounded by a deep, natural lake.
"I'll be back soon" Lara promised, and without warning she swan-dived off the cliff before plunging into the pool far below.