Losing the Feeling of Feeling Unique


Jon’s POV

As I walked further away from the room and towards the elevator, I began to think about what Ryan had said. Did he mean all of that stuff about how badly I treat girls? Or was it just heat of the moment?

With these thoughts swirling around in my head, I began to doubt my feelings for Ruby. As I walked into the elevator and pressed the Ground Floor button, my back pocket vibrated.

Realising it was my phone; I took it out and looked at it. The screen flashed, indicating I had new message, from an unknown number.

Can’t wait until dinner. Ruby x

My heart fluttered as I read the message, and at that moment I knew my feelings were real. I made a vow to show myself, Ruby and Ryan how strong these feelings were.

I cautiously walked out onto the now familiar London street. I pulled my iPod from my pocket and placed the headphones in my ears, the first song that came on was one of my favourites.

Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City?
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl, tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Times Square can't shine as bright as you
I swear it's true

Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice, it's my disguise
I'm by your side

Walking aimlessly down road after road, I found myself standing outside newspaper, The Guardian’s building. The name rang a bell, but it took me a minute to figure out why. Then I remembered Ruby worked for the music section of the paper. As soon as I remembered this, the gears in my head starting turning and I thought of the perfect plan to show Ruby how I felt.

I ripped the flimsy headphones out of my ears, then I practically ran back down the road, intending on putting my plan into action. I ignored all of the strange looks I received from the elderly and ran to Oxford St and began my search for the perfect gift for Ruby.

Ruby’s POV

I sat down on my worn chocolate brown leather sofa, breathing heavily. I still wasn’t completely convinced that I hadn’t caused the argument between Jon and Ryan. I didn’t have time to dwell on this though as I heard the distinct chime of my doorbell.

Hauling myself up, I trudged over to the door and pulled it open.

‘RUBY!’ my best friend Paige screamed as she jumped at me. And, me having no reflexes whatsoever, I failed to catch her so we both landed on a heap on the floor just inside my flat.

‘How are you Ruby?’ she asked smiling down at me.

‘I’m fine. Just a little crushed’ I said breathlessly.

‘Aw, crushed. Why?’ she asked.

‘Because…you’re sitting on…my chest’ I managed to get out.

‘Oh, sorry Ross’ she said while getting up. She then held a hand out to me, which I gratefully took and got up.

I brushed my clothes down and looked at my best friend in the world. I noticed right away she cut her hair. The side fringe she used to acquire was gone, and in its place was another fringe that hung perfectly on her face.

‘Your hair looks awesome Paigey’

‘Thanks, I managed to get a free haircut yesterday at the Toni & Guy salon in town’ she said her thick New York accent shining through and contrasting with my own very thick English accent. She worked in the health and beauty section of the newspaper. In fact, that was how we met, through work.

‘Oh, awesome!’ I said, the two of us sitting on the stools at my breakfast bar. We began talking about anything and everything, the fact that we hadn’t seen each other for a week due to hectic schedules coming back to haunt us.

I desperately wanted to tell her about Ryan and the guys, but I’d been sworn to secrecy until all of the legal stuff had been sorted out. It made me feel completely awful not telling Paige about the biggest thing to happen to me EVER.

Paige and I talked the night away and before she looked at her watch and gasped.

‘Oh my god! Ruby it’s half one in the morning!’ she said jumping up and gathering her stuff.

‘Oh snap, I guess it is!’ Paige rushed over and kissed my cheek b

‘I have to be up at 7 to go to the unveiling of this new wonder foundation thing’ she said speedily, whipping her head around, causing her glossy black hair to whip me in the face. She rushed over and kissed my cheek then ran out of the door like a crazy

‘BYE!’ she shouted back as she jumped onto the lift, causing me to wince at the volume of her call and hoping she didn’t wake any of my neighbours.

I groggily went back into my flat, eager to just go into my room, flop down on my bed and curl up into the quilt and never come out. But my phone buzzed, so I went and read the message.

Meet me at Hyde Park Corner tube station. Tomorrow. 11.45. Jon x

As my slippered feet slapped against my hardwood floor, I couldn't help but wonder what Jon had planned.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woop new chapter. Thank you guys for getting us up to 4 stars!

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And it's only chapter 5!

The character of Paige is dedicated to the lovely sugar coated lie. Hope you liked the surprise Paige!


Lola & Emma