Sequel: 18 Days

Your Tears Don't Fall

Chapter One

“So how old are you?” Val Matt’s girlfriend of forever asked. I was Matt’s cousin Sheila Yeah I know and I’m actually from fuckin’ Australia.

“I’m Seventeen.” I said. She looked at me.

“From where?” She asked with a smile.

“Australia.” I smiled. My black and blonde beach waves kinda made that clear.

“Couldn’t have guessed.” She said sarcastically.

“I know.” I said. She smiled brighter.

“So do you surf?” She asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded.

“That’s cool. I thought your mom lived in the states with you though.” Val said.

“My mum does live in the states.” I nodded.

“You don’t?” Val asked.

“No. I live with my pop in Melbourne. Great place really is.” I said already missing home terribly.

“You miss home?” Val asked softly.

“Terribly. I’m missing the heat already. Chilly out here.” I said rubbing my arms. She looked at me.

“Seriously?” She asked.

“Yeah. I spent a lot of time in the desert.” I smiled remembering the huge watering holes that cascaded down in water falls sometimes it was rare you find one but, when you did it was astonishingly beautiful. Really was.

“So Matt said you guys were really close.” Val said.

“Yeah he’d come every summer and spend it with me up until he started the band.” I nodded.

“You don’t seem to mad about it. I know I’d be mad.” Val said.

“No, I understand.” I said softly.

“Your really softspoken.” She stated.

“I guess.” I shrugged as we pulled into the drive. We got my stuff out of the car. It wasn’t much. I had five pairs of skinny jeans, four pairs of shorts, twenty under shirts, five colored wife beaters, and thirty various shirts. So all together I had two suit cases.

“You didn’t pack much.” Val said warily.

“I packed enough.” I shrugged. She nodded.

“The guys are out back. So why don’t we put your bags upstairs and you can go meet them?” Val asked looking at me.

“Sounds good to me.” I said with a soft smile. I was getting excited to see Matt. She walked up the stairs.

“Matt had fun decorated for you. So… I hope you like it.” Val had paused before opening the black door. She walked in first blocking my view. I was tall but she had heels on. She moved to the side and a grin spread to my face as I fell in love with the black poster marred walls. I looked around and saw a door.

‘Please not let that be a closet.’ I wished childishly. I opened it to see a bathroom. My smile only got bigger.

“You don’t have a closet?” Val asked shocked. “I’ll talk to Matt.” Val said.

“No need.” I smiled and moved the door from her view. She looked around it and there sat an amazing hand made wooden wall dresser. IT came to my mid thigh and ran along the wall. I looked at the amazing design on it.

“No wonder Cam spent a long time with Matt.” Val said with a soft smile. “You want to go meet them now?” She asked. I nodded and she led me out of the huge house, I might add a tad bit late. He had to have more people living here with him. Val smiled at me as we walked through the sliding transparent doors.

“Hey Matt I have a visitor.” Val said louder so she was heard over the voices. Everyone stopped. Matt’s head turned and I stepped out from behind Val. Matt smiled brightly.

“You fucking made it!!” He shouted tackling me to the ground along with another body.

“Hello to you too.” I said with an oof. Matt and Cam got off of me.

“Sheila.” Cam hugged me.
♠ ♠ ♠
New Story.
I think i might finish this.