Sequel: 18 Days

Your Tears Don't Fall

Chapter Eight Point Five

“Fuck that’s nasty.” I said wincing at the taste.

“Dude so what are we going to do with the album?” Jimmy asked as he came back in.

“I have no clue I want to produce it on our own though.” Syn said excitedly. Everyone looked at him and I walked to the fridge and grabbed a water bottle hopefully this would wash away the nasty taste.

“Yeah man!! That would be so much fuckin’ fun!!!” Johnny exclaimed excitedly.

“Yeah it would be and it would be all us and no frustration trying to explain to people who don’t understand us!” Syn said. The guys laughed.

“Yeah you sure have a way of explaining things syn.” Jimmy laughed as I shut the fidge his knocked his head back and took a drink of his beer swallowing. He soon spit it out in reaction and began gagging. Everyone busted out laughing including me.

Oh how revenge was so sweet.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry This was so freaking short!!!
I forgot to add it in the last chapter.
I'll be updating in bigger chunks so the story flows.
Comments=love and better updates