Sequel: 18 Days

Your Tears Don't Fall

Chapter Ten

“Val, Where is my purple… whoa who’s the Sheila?” I asked pointing to the girl who was gossiping with Val as I got myself a bottle of water.

“So this is her?!” The girl exclaimed.

“Yeah. Sheila. This Sheila you were talking about it Gena Zacky’s girlfr….” Val was cut off.

“VAL!!!!” Fuckface began screaming.

“What?” Fuckface came running inside.

“My head!!” He hissed and began holding his head. I looked at him confused as I was cracking up on the inside.

“What about your head?” Gena Zacky’s girlfriend. I’m assuming since I didn’t get the full sentence.

‘Damned jack ass.’

“Its burning!! Its burning!! My fucking head is on fire!! MY face was on fire this morning!! Now my hair!!” Fuckface screamed and the guys busted up laughing.

“That’s why you were screaming like a girl?!” Johnny laughed.

A sharp, ear piercing scream errupeted as it came from some one’s throat making me shoot from my bed. I covered my ears as I stood up slowly from my bedroom. I padded across the black shag to the door that been tagged for me. My fingers stroked the handle of the door before my hand grasped the cool metallic handle. I poked my upper body out of the somewhat open door. I looked toward Zacky’s room. He was out in the hall talking to Syn.

“What’s going on?” I asked raspily. Their heads snapped my way.

“Jimmy woke up screaming saying he was on fire.” Syn said with a nod.

“You sound sexy Sheila.” Zacky smirked. Matt came down the hall and slapped him right in the back of the head.

“What the fuck!! That’s my cousin!!” Matt shouted. Fuckface was still screaming. Val was probably trying to calm him down. Syn was laughing at Zacky who was getting scolded at by Matt and Johnny…. Where was Johnny? Eh who knows.

“Yes!!” Fuckface hissed.

“Why would his head be burning?” They asked. He actually began crying. I grabbed his shirt and dragged him over to the sink. It was funny but, I saw the tears. Its not funny now. I turned the water on so it was as cold as ice and he bent over so his head was directly over the sink. I turned the sprayer on.

“Why didn’t you wash your hair when it started burning?” I asked.

“Because I thought I was just getting a sunburn.” He said. I gave him a rag and he covered his eyes. I grabbed the dish soap and began washing his hair. My finger moved across his scalp my small nails slightly scratching in as they massaged his scalp tenderly. I felt him completely relax.

“Feel good?” I asked.

“Very.” He mmmed. I snorted and rolled my eyes. I sense the burning was gone. I took the cold water and turned it so it was warm and I began going through his hair. I began laughing as I saw he only put the paste in the back of his hair leaving the front completely black.

“Why are you… OH my god!!” Val screeched.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I decided to cut this one off.
I like the next part that comes up.
I actually wrote it like twenty minutes ago.
Yeah its pretty awesome.
comments = drama!!!