Sequel: 18 Days

Your Tears Don't Fall

Chapter Fifeteen

“You are so sexy.” Two girls just got right up on me. The blonde from Zumiez earlier and the brunette one from just a little bit before. I began to get a bit antsy as they got closer and closer to my body.

Their eyes were scanning me like they were critics for Miss America contest and I was the biggest skinniest girl their they were trying to make cry on stage as I got eliminated.

“Thanks.” I said uncomfortably. Their gazes felt as if they were tearing me apart into pieces. I shifted as I began to feel very uncomfortable.

“Your just too cute.” They both said.

“Alright.” I said and began to leave.

“Don’t leave.” They both grabbed me. I groaned.

Women!! Let me go!! I do not want to be by you!! You give me the hebe jebes!!

“I need to catch my friend really soon.” I said trying to get them to leave me alone.

“So you can’t just spend a tiny little minute with us?” They asked pouting.

Jesus!! I am not a man!! I do not fall for a puppy dog pout.

“Actually I can’t I have to go.” I said.

“Why are you in such a rush?” The brunette asked. “Your not being very nice.” She said with a devious smirked. “You know the bitches always turn into the gayiest.”

What the fuck was this woman’s problem? I just wanted to leave.

“Look I don’t know what I did to offend you but, I have a friend I have to meet.” I said. They both looked at me with a quizzical face.

“We don’t believe you.” They said. “I just think your trying to be nice and say fuck off you gayfest bitches.” The blonde said.

“No I’m just trying to go.” I said.

“So you are just calling us gay bitches? What you kind of homophobe?” The brunette screeched. I felt the anger in my system begin to rise at her screechy voice shouting at me.

“You probably are!! Your just probably one of those girls who are wanting to come out and be lesbian but, just shame on them instead!” The blonde roared loudly attracting all of the attention in the store.

“No I’m just trying to go! Women just fucking calm down and go take a god damned midol and leave me alone! God damned get the fuckin’ clue. You that god damned brainless?” I snapped. They both gasped.

“Tracey.” The brunette said.

“You bitch!!” She dramatically sobbed. My eyes went wide.

I seriously make her burst into tears. I didn’t mean to, I swear.

“You fuckin’ bitch!! Its people like you!! Why gay people are shamed on!!” The brunette comforted the blonde people.

“I didn’t mean to I swear.” I said.

“Yeah right.” The blonde said. She ran out and left. Th Brunette left after her too. I just stood there like a fuckin’ retard while the guys laughed at me.
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Sorry for the crappy updates :[
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