Sequel: 18 Days

Your Tears Don't Fall

Chapter Sixteen

“Dude Sheila hasn’t been pulling any pranks since the mall incident.” I realized. We all stopped walking on the soft plush carpet. The guys looked at me weirdly. They all realized I was right soon enough though.

dumb asses

“Dude she finally let you win.” Zacky laughed.

“Yeah man.” The guys all nodded.

“She’s been on her cell phone a lot though.” Syn said.

“Yeah. What’s up with that Matt?” I asked.

“Just stuff back home don’t worry about it.” Matt said with kind of like a plead to the end. I looked at him as we walked through Syn’s house to the home studio to practice and lay some stuff down.

“You okay man?” I asked Matt before we went in.

“Yeah.” Matt nodded. I looked at him. He didn’t seem like that big mean oof.

“No your not.” I shut the door after Johnny went in. Matt looked at me tiredly.

“Dude what’s up?” I asked.

“Just stupid shit that’s messing with Screamer man. Its just tearing me up.” Matt leaned against the wall opposite to me. I watched him as he looked at the ceiling just breathing.

“She okay man?” I asked.

“Yeah. Its her parents man they are like seriously fucked up. Then she just slaps a fuckin’ mask on and ignores everything they do to her! Man its… Just never mind. Lets go.” Matt said in a sigh.

“Alright.” I said hesitantly. Matt brought his head down and just shook it a couple of times like he was clearing his thoughts. He grabbed the metal handle to the almost glass door and we walked inside the studio.

What the hell is tearing Matt up?

What's tearing screamer up?
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for not updating!!!
I'll try to post another one today.
I didn't stop the story so don't stop reading!!
Sorry if its crap!!