Sequel: 18 Days

Your Tears Don't Fall

Chapter Two

“Cam.” I smiled hugging him back. He had always come with Matt too. He let me go so Matt could hug me, well more like squish and pick me up in the air.

“Down hulk.” I said. He laughed.

“I missed you.” He smiled brightly. I smiled and looked up at him just barely though.

“Alright schmucks this is my baby Sister Sheila, Screamer this is Brian, Johnny , Zacky, and Jimmy. You know Val and Cam. The two twins are Matt Berry and JB.” Matt pointed out.

“Screamer?” They all asked.

“Only I can call her that!” Matt said firmly They all raised their hands, like they weren't guiltly or in defense.

“Oh and stop looking at her like she’s a piece of fucking meat!” He said in a growl. They all looked at him.

“Rules.” Val smirked.

“No thinking about her sexually, Don’t look at her with bad intentions! Basically if you look or think about her wrong I’ll shove my foot up your asses dipshits.” He said. “Not even when I’m not around.” Matt answered Zacky’s question I’m guessing. “She’s only seventeen. Not even legal!!” He glared.

“Seriously?” Jimmy I think. I have no clue he was just really tall. “She doesn’t even look seventeen, well not that much.” He said.

“No offense but no seventeen year olds boobs are that big!” The short one said. I looked at him with wide eyes and my mouth dropped open.

“Hey!!! What the fuck did I just say!” Matt shouted. I walked up to him and kicked his chair over. Knocking him to the ground. Everyone looked at me.

“Don’t have big boobs.” I murmured getting kinda pissed crossing my arms over my chest.

“Dude no offense they are huge!” They all said.

“Are not.” I said.

“Hun they are a good handful and a half.” The tall one said. I looked at him.

“I’m guessing C pushing D.” He said looking at me. The guys looked at him. I fixed my mouth. Matt smirked.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two posts!!!
Yeah its a new story!! Yes.
I'm updating by pages.
So the first Chapter was a page in Microsoft.
yup how it goes.