Sequel: 18 Days

Your Tears Don't Fall

Chapter Eighteen

“Jimmy what are we doing again?” Syn whispered as we tip toed into Sheila’s room.

“Were going to pour honey all over in Sheila’s bed and her clothes and make her wear this.” I snickered holding up a nurses costume.

“oh… I like this… A lot.” Syn smirked as we quickly got to work.

“Dude wait… you think she would care about these? They are wrote on?” I asked Syn. He looked at them and shrugged. I Shrugged and dumped the honey on them and the rest of the homemade gunk and glue on them.

“What happened to my purple converses!!” A voice boomed so loud.

“Jimmy!!!!” Matt shouted looking at me.

“My purple converses!! Okay that’s just low!!” Sheila came in covered in honey.

“I’m fuckin’ allergic to this shit and am I freaking out because I’m going to be itching all day? No. Am I freaking out because some one!! Fuckface!! Ruined my Kurt Kobain signed purple converse!!” Sheila roared. She was fucking louder than Matt.

“Those are Kurts?” Matt’s jaw dropped.

“Yes!! And they ruined them!!! I heard them last night say something about clothes but not shoes!!” Sheila stepped towards us.

“Hey, They didn’t know.” Matt said.

“Its on the side in big bold letters!” Sheila raw rage turned onto him. I looked at Syn who probably looked a lot like myself, about ready to shit ourselves.

“Hey they didn’t know alright. Its your own fault.” Matt said. Sheila growled.

“I only push people as far as I’ll be pushed!! I don’t mess with their Underwear or shoes! Everything else is fair game!!” Sheila shouted.

“Stop shouting.” Matt said.

“Why?” Sheila growled.

“You’ll bust a blood vessel, again.” Matt said. “You’ll have to go to the white hospital. Remember everything, its white, Its sparkly white here.” Matt smirked.

Sheila stopped dead she turned back towards me.

“Your so lucky I hate white!!” Sheila roared right in my face. I was taken back. Her soft blue eyes were a dark emerald green and her face had lost its color making her look more of a Northern European not an Australian. She was barely breathing as her eyes were sharp daggers stabbing into me. I felt the pain almost as if I was really bleeding. My mouth wouldn’t work as I was stunned. I had never seen her this mad or even anything but her normal laid back self unless she was shocked or surprised.

“I’m sorry. I’ll get you another pair.” I blurted out. Her face turned into shock.

“I just screamed in your face and your trying to be nice?” Sheila asked.

“I didn’t know those meant something. I wouldn’t have done it if I knew.” I said. She just looked at me with her now narrowed light green eyes. I soon saw the swinging door swing as it showed flashes of her back ascending up the stairs.

“Lesson learned…. Don’t mess with Sheila’s shoes.” Syn breathed.

I only push people as far as I’ll be pushed… I only push people as far as I’ll be pushed…. I only push people as far as I’ll be pushed…

what was her limit?

”I’m going to loose.” I mentally groaned letting my head slam against the cool marble of the black counter.
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Yay update!!!
Comment and tell me what you think.

Oh and if you didn't catch it.
Its in Jimmy's POV
I switch sometimes and its confusing some people.
Sorry if its confusing you!!