Sequel: 18 Days

Your Tears Don't Fall

Chapter Fourty One

“Matt.” I voiced as he was getting the last things to go to L.A. with. Val was upstairs doing something and the guys were outside for some reason.

“Yeah Jim?” Matt asked looking at me.

“What’s with Sheila’s dad? The other day when you mentioned it you said it like you either wanted to kill him, or save some one.” I asked interested. Matt looked straight into my eyes.

“Uhm… you caught that?” Matt scratched his neck.

“Dude I’m your best friend. I’m going to catch that.” I pronounced.

“Should have know some one would have.” He said like as if he made a mistake.

“So….” I said waiting. Matt never keeps secrets from me.

“He’s…” Matt stopped when Val came down the stairs.

“Hey Jim!! The person I needed to talk to!!” Val smiled brightly.

Sheila came down stairs after Val to. She dragged her into the kitchen.

“What was that about?” Matt asked me.

“Still didn’t answer me…” I exclaimed.

“Lets walk.” Matt said softly as we began out trip outside.

“So is it really bad or something?” I asked sitting next to him on Val’s car.

“She doesn’t think it is. It is though.” Matt sighed. I stayed quiet waiting for him to tell me. I didn’t want to push him. This was all on him because I knew it was killing him. I heard Matt sigh again.

“Don’t even want to hear this come from your mouth.” Matt said his hazel eyes drilled into mine hard. I nodded knowing he wanted just a simple response before he started his story
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay!!! yay!! another update!!
Hmmm... Nothing really much to say
but the end to me is really close.
soorry. :[
So comment!!