Sequel: 18 Days

Your Tears Don't Fall

Chapter Eight

After breakfast we all just sat around talking some of them leaving to go get dressed and showered.

“Thank god!!!” Fuckface screeched as Syn, yay I learned his name, waltzed in he looked actually, rather fuckin’ hot.

“Where’d fuckface go?” I asked.

“Bathroom.” Syn said. I looked at his drink. Then everything around it. I began pouring salt, pepper, French vanilla into his little beer can.

“What are you doing?” Val asked.

“He fucked with my shower!” I growled. I took the creamer and added a tad.

“Its all over the sides he’s going to see.” Short stuff helped me. I nodded and tried wiping it out.

“Damn it.” I growled.

“Its not going to wipe out.” Short stuff said.

“He have any diseases?” I asked.

“Not that we know of. So no.” Val said. I nodded.

“Your not going to eat that shit are you?” They all said.

“Yeah I watched him drink he takes huge gulps.” I said. I shivered and got rid of the evidence and swiped the edge clean. I swallowed quickly the repulsive taste came right back up. I covered my mouth and put my head down. I swallowed the feeling of throwing up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright!! Yay another post!!!
I got a one star!!
Ha ha :]
So the next scene is going to be long alright!!
Its very long.
So I might be posting more in a chapter. Eh, not to sure though.
Comment me!!