The Story of a Rock Star's Kid!

Kids will be kids

“Rachel Ann GET BACK HERE!” I heard my daddy yell at me as I chased the kitten down the sidewalk.

Ok I’m Rachel Ann Wentz I’m three years old and I have no mommy. I like kitties, doggies, and coloring. My daddy is Pete Wentz. He is teaching me to play the bass. It’s a little to big for me but i'll learn and be as good as him one day. I enjoy touring with my daddy’s band. I have the best uncles a three year old could ask for. Uncle Joe is the crazy but very entertaining uncle. He can make me laugh when ever i'm sad or mad. I love him to death. Uncle Andy is my quite but very Talent uncle he can basically do anything and helps me steal cookies from Joes cookie jar on top of the frig. Last there’s my uncle Pat. Patty-cakes has always been in my life for as far back as I can remember. He is also Talent. He can do just about anything I was to ask him to. He has the most awesome voice I have heard in my short life. It calms me when I’m scared, it puts me to sleep when I’m restless, and I love it and never would change my life even if I could.

I have the best DADDY EVER. He cares for me. I love him a lot. He does so much and still has time for me. Like I said he is teaching me Bass and I’m learning fast he says. Every days a new adventure with him. He has a lot to do in one day like: he has to mange his clothing line, work with new bands, help out with new designs and has to put up with me running around all the time. But he does it and is the best at what he does. You might be thinking why don’t I have a mommy right? Well the thing is I really don’t know all Daddy has told me is that she left when I was very young. He won't tell me why or how. When I bring her up he always wants to drop the subject so I let it go.

So anyway back to me running down the side walk out side daddy’s clothing line after the kitten.

“RACHEL ANN” he yelled as he grabbed my arm causing the small kitten to cross the street and hurry off down an alley.

“Loookie whats you did daddy you makes it runs always froms me” I said looking up sadly at him.

“I do Not care about the damn cat Rachel!” he yelled at me as he picked me up and propped me up on his hip. I wrapped my tiny legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

“ I is sorry daddy” I said about to cry. He never really yelled at me unless I was in trouble. “ I just wanted the kitty.” I told him as I buried my face into his neck and held back tears.

“ Rachel I don’t care baby. You cant run off like that with out daddy knowing some one could take you away.” he told me and this made the tears come. I didn’t want to be taken from my daddy I loved him so much.

“aw baby its ok” he said hugging me and kissing the top of my head.

I wasn’t that shy of a kid but when it came to meeting new people I didn’t like it AT ALL. Because my daddy and uncles always was dragging me around to met either new girlfriends, new friends, or new bands. I didn’t like it at all because most the time the girlfriend where mean to me, the new friends could careless I was around . But the new bands I enjoyed meeting just because I love music . Most the new bands usually sucked up to me to get on daddy’s good side. I loved it some times.

Daddy and I walked back into the clothing place and he sat me down on the table as he signed some stuff and then picked me up and we was back outside where the windy Chicago wind hit my face. It was cold and all I had on was my hoddie and a pair of skinny jeans for my age. I shivered a little but we got into a warm nice car before I had know it. Daddy put me in my car seat in the back and then moved to the driver side and began on our way to the recording studio.

“Rach, this is Gabe.” Patty-cakes said as he introduced me to a very tall dark headed boy. He was wearing a purple hoddie with a yellow t-shirt under it. He had on a pair of skinny jeans and looked cute.

I hided behind daddy’s leg as Patty told me who all the guys in the room was. I rember William Travis and Brendon.

“Rach its ok they wont bite.” daddy said as he whispers into my ear and picked me up. The guy named William came over and smiled at me.

“Hi… Rachel. “ he began. I smiled I wanted to touch his hair. It looked soft. “im William” he said. I looked at daddy and he smiled at me. I turned and looked at William. I reached for him to hold me. He kind of hesitated before taking me but he did.

“I Is Rachel.” I said as he propped me on his hip and turned his head sideways to look at me.

“Now is that right?” he asked with a smile. I nodded

“Mr. William..?” I asked. He looked down at me and smiled

“Yes sweetie?” he replayed

“May I touch your hair?” I asked and he looked a me for a second then looked at my daddy

“Man Pete are you sure this is your kid?? She’s polite.” He said and grinned at daddy

“ I gets it from My Granma..” I said smiling.

“Well then” he said “go ahead.” he told me and I smiled and reached for his hair. It was soft . It was the kind of hair that I could play with forever and ever. Witch I did. I hared daddy and William begin to talk. I felt him talking the vibrating of his words against my small body. I put my thumb in my mouth and played with his hair and laid my head on his shoulder. Not long after that my eyes got heavy and I feel asleep on a stranger shoulder.

A few hours later I woke up with some one holding me and breathing in and out slowly. I noticed the person holding wasn’t the William guy who had held me before. This person had a filmier touch. I didn’t feel like opening my eyes. But I did any way. My vision at first was pretty blurry The arms wrapped around my tiny waist where cover in bright and some colorful tattoos. I smiled to myself and knew who I was sleeping on. I looked up and saw Joe. His wild fro puffed up and his messy beard just kind of did what his hair did. He was asleep also. I looked around the room and saw where were in a practice room at the studio. I moved alittle trying to get comfy again. I didn’t want to wake Joe up but I failed.

“Rach? You awake now babe?” he asked as he looked down and smiled at me.

“Yuppie uncle Joe.” I said as I yawned “where’s daddy? And why is I withs you?” I asked with a confused look on my face.

“ Well you fell asleep on William and I had just walked in the room. Well you daddy had to help Pat do something so I took you. I need to sleep any how.” he said smiling.

“O'tay.” I said and layed my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat and his breathing.

“ Uncle Joe?” I asked.

“Yes Rach?” he asked in return.

“ You remember my mommy?” I asked him as I played with a string that hung at the top of his shrit.

“Oh yes I do she was so pretty! You look just like her” he told me. “ you have the same eyes. Nose. Smile you remind me of her each and every time I see you. Its really hard o Pete. He misses her a lot.” he said and that’s all he said


I spent the night at Pat’s house last night and had a great time we played video games and watched movies until I fell asleep. Daddy is coming to get me soon but idk y because we have nothing to do today innless we have some kind of premier to go to. I remember falling asleep in the living room floor watching The nightmare before Christmas with Patrick. But I don’t remember anything after that. The next thing I know I’m being carried out of the house In daddy’s arms. I felt him strap me in my car seat and shut the door. He then got in the car himself and drove off. I tried to doze back to sleep but I couldn’t I just couldn’t. So I “woke up” and looked out the window and noticed it was still dark.

“Daddy?” I asked into a yawn.

“ Rach your awake? Hey baby” He said looking at me though the mirror

“ Hey daddy” I said smiling. “where is we” I asked as I looked back out the window.

“Well baby we have to go check on grandma. She got very sick this morning and grandpa just now called so where going to Chicago.” he told with a gentle smile. Though his smile I could tell there was a lot of worry.

“O'tay. Daddy when will we be there?” I asked

“A few hours baby. “ he told me and glanced at me once more and put his eyes back on the rode.

It felt like hours or even days since ive been in the car. I was ready to get out I was bored I had nothing to do.

“Daddy” I asked after an hour of just sitting here quietly.

“Yea Rach?” He asked looking to the side as he turned left.

“Do you gots your I-Pod?” I asked already knowing the answer. He always kept it with him.

“Yea hang on ok.?” he said as he past a little pale blue car. I saw him pull up the console and dig around until he pulled out his black I-pod that had a bright pink case (he let me pick).

“Here Rach.” he said as he pasted it back to me. I might only be 3 but I know how to work almost anything.

I smiled an took it putting the ear buds in my ears and started listing to random stuff he had on there. After awhile I fell asleep and slept until I was awoke in a nice warm comfy bed at my grandparents house.

I sat up in bed and looked around and saw daddy laying beside me. He was asleep. Outside the window it was light so I wanted to wake him up so I did.

“Pshhh” I said to him all he did was turn over to face the other side

“Daddy” I said shaking him

“Hey Rachel what’s up?” he asked yawning. I could smell his breath it riked

“Ew daddy sick…” I said looking at him. He had sat up in bed and starched.

“Sooo is grandma ok?” I asked and he looked at me sadly

“ Baby I really don’t know they had to put her in the hospital last night so we can only hope and pray” he told me this made me want to cry but I didn’t bc im a big girl.

“Ok daddy” I said hugging him he looked like he needed it so I gave him one
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Hope you like it! TEll me what you think thxs Jen!