The Story of a Rock Star's Kid!

Things happen but we really don't know why

I sat hugging my daddy for the longest time. I grew up with out a mommy so I was ok with out one. But daddy has had Grandma for along time and I cant imagine how hard it is on him right now.
We left to visit the hospital 15 minutes ago it takes 30 to get there. When we finally did I saw my grandma laying in one of those white icky beds. She was pale. I sat with her while daddy and grandpa went out ad talked to the doctor.
“Rachel. “ she said in a weak voice
“yes?” I asked looking up at her
“Please member, I love you forever and ever” she told me she looked like she was crying.
“I know grandma but why you telling me something I already know?” I asked her
“ Well baby girl I might not be here much longer” she told me.
“I don’t know what you mean?” I asked her
“When you get older you’ll understand but right now your to young” she told me right as Gramps and Daddy came back in the room. 2hours later daddy said it was time to leave and we would come back tomorrow.
“Rachel remember ok baby”: she told me and kissed me and we left.

I walked around my grandparents house Bored as all get out I had nothing to do….
Finally it came time for bed. But I got a eerie feeling. I laid in the bed like the night before and looked up at the ceiling. Out of no where I saw my Grandma she was just floating there. She waved to me and floated up to heaven.
“Daddy” I said shaking him
“Yea rach” he asked?
“Look “ I pointed to where grandma was “Grandma.” I told him and he just looked at me and then got teary. He wiped out his phone and called some one then when he hung up he started to cry.

I was sitting in a church looking at a box that held my grandma. She looked peaceful. How could this happen? I mean she was just here I talked to her, kissed her, touched her. But now daddy told me that she’s wasn’t ever coming back. Thinking back to that when he told me made me cry. So I’m sitting here crying when I feel a VERY filmier touch pick, me up and sit me in their laps. I looked up an saw Joe.
“ Joe when you gets here?” I asked wiping my tears from my face and looking up at him
“ Not to long ago! How are you babe?” he asked holding my tiny little body in his arms
“ I is ok tay I thinks. But daddy is a wreck. “ I told him and he looked over at grandma and begin to tear up.
“ She was a real nice Lady. I loved her a lot.” he said wiping his tears away.
“So where is your dad?” he asked. I looked around the BIG church room Filled with tons and tons of people. I finally spotted my daddy standing over near the door with the William guy I fell sleep on and Patrick.
“Come withs me!” I said as I jumped out of his lap and ran towered Daddy.
I was getting closer to daddy. I saw his shoes and keep running until someone stepped in front of me and picking me you then hugging me. I got scared I had no clue who it was. When they pulled away I saw it was Ashlee. My daddy’s girlfriend. I likes her she pretty awesome.
“Hey babe” she said and I hugged her again. Ive not seen her in awhile and ive missed her.
“heys where’s haves you been?” I asked and looked up at her
“well I was working on the new CD im sorry. Its been forever you have gotten so BIG!” she said smiling at me.
“hehe I nos this ash!” I smiled.
“So how are you? How is your daddy?” she asked looking at me sadly.
“I is ok.. Daddy is a big wreck” I told her. I watched Joe walk over to daddy and hug him . They hugged for a while and I then saw daddy was crying again. I wanted to go hug him.
“Yea I knew he would be” She said looking over my head like she was looking for some one. I looked over her shoulder at my dad who looked all lonely, lost and confused.
“where is your dad?!?” she asked.
“Over there “ I said as I pointed to where Joe, William , Patrick and my dad stood.
“Well how bout me and you go over there?” she asked all I did was nod. Ashlee and I walked over to Them and all most instley daddy pulled Ashlee into a hug and cried into her shoulder. Her and him went an sat on a funny red color couch. I watched and she talked to him and hug him.
“Hey Rachel” I heard my name.! I turned and found William standing there smiling. I smiled back.
“HEY” I said. Sitting down in the floor. He copied my actions and sat beside me.
“Whats you been you too little bit?” he asked.
“ Well lets see I went….” and I started to name random things when I was finished I smiled at him.
“WOW your one busy little girl.” he said looking around.
“Yup I guess so.” I nod and watched all the people pass my grandmas coffin. They walked by and looked into it Some cried and some just stared in disbelief. My grandpa was standing there hugging and specking to the people that pasted. I really didn’t like this place it gave me the wily jilys. I looked to the couch where daddy and Ashlee sat. Daddy was holding Ashlee’s hand and had his head on her shoulder. She was rubbing the back of his hand with her thumb.
“ Are you going to go on tour with us?” William asked. I looked up at him confused.
“whats you mean William?” I asked
“well your daddy’s band is taking my band on tour!” he said smiling a little.
“ YAY” I giggled “ so this means I gets to spend times withs you?” I asked him
“Yup sure does.! Sounds fun huh?” he asked.
“LIKE YES!!” I giggled. I sat talking to William for the longest time. Even though I was 3 It didn’t matter me and William connected. He didn’t treat me like I was a 3 year old he treated me like a friend. He didn’t try and Brie me like most people did . He was like my best friend.
After talking for William for awhile I got sleep.
“William what time is it?” I asked him. He looked down at his phone
“its almost 10 p.m.” he told me. I yawned. “Are you tried Rach?” he asked I nodded my head.
“Well come here” he said opening his arms for me to climb into. So I did. He was so comfy. I began to play with his hair again just like last time. I felt him get up out of the floor an walk some where else. Then I felt him sit down again. He rocked back and forth causing me to fall asleep quicker. The last thing I remember was William whispering in my ear.
“Goodnight sleep well love” he said. And I was out of it completely.
So I fell asleep and slept. I didn’t fell anything. Or hear anything. I was DEAD asleep.
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OK OK I know it most likely sucked! But i really hopw you like it! IF theres any missed speeled words or any errors please please let me no! Also what do you think?~Jen