
New Student

Gazing out of the perpetually spotted and scratched window at the gloomy day, I drummed my fingers on the charcoal-black surface of my table. I was done with the "pop" quiz a few minutes early- I put "pop" in quotes because, by now, everyone knew Mrs. Summers gave a quiz over homework every other Thursday, so it was by no means a surprise- and I had this sudden urge for class to begin. There was a mouth-watering odor, seemed not so distant. I tried to disregard it by squinting towards the window. I could just barely notice the rising towers of downtown and the tiny, moving dots, which I knew to be cars.

I was fascinated with this thing called “transportation” these so called humans invented. Of course, I was no knew to the “transportation” concept, just that my people had their own way of doing things in a much quicker fashion. You’d think a girl would get adjusted quickly enough in a month. But yet again, as the new kid in this area, no one really likes to converse your way, much less be seated by you. Yet, I’m a different story, of course. Well…isn’t everyone?

"Alright, pens down, everyone," Mrs. Summers said, as if there were actually people still working. "Send your quizzes to my file, hurry now. You students don’t want me in a bad mood. You all know what happens when I miss out on the lottery." Mrs. Summers, ever since I walked in the door, has been claiming that she’s one day going to win the lottery and buy herself a husband. Poor dear, thinks she has to buy men.

There was minimal shuffling as the students picked up their computer pens and pointed to "send" on their electronic notebooks.

“Class, up and front.” Mrs. Summers announced. That meant that we all had to quickly, and swiftly, rise up next to our seats to whatever announcement she had to make. I waited for her to make her little announcement, something about the numbers she could of possibly chosen for her lottery ticket or what not. But to my surprise, Principal Delmar stood at the edge of the door. He took a step forward and led in a boy to the front of the classroom.

Well, not a boyexactly. Although he gave the appearance of a teenager, his pale skin, shocking, icy blue eyes, and a tall, lean demeanor clearly gave away his true species. The students began to murmur amongst themselves in hushed tones. What vile humans and arrogant persona.

"Michael is here on an exchange program from England," Mrs. Summers went on explaining, ignoring the whispers. I pitied the student who was exchanged with Michael. "We don't have many transfer students here at Reagan High, so I'm sure you'll all make him feel welcome."

It sounded more like an order than a statement.

"Hello." Michael greeted very confidently, grinning a dashing smile. A few girls in the class audibly giggled at his exceptionally deep voice.

Was it just me, or did that small statement seem a little forced? I cupped my chin in my hand and leaned on my elbow, studying the new transfer student. He seemed a little odd, and if he were a vampire, he'd probably be a bit awkward; but vampires were much more charming and graceful than humans, so even an unexceptional one like him had the posture of a model next to a human. Still, I could tell he wasn't comfortable up there. I was good at reading people. Well, that happened to be my power, yet for some fathomable reason, it didn’t work as well toward him. But as I stared closer, and read deeper into him, I was starting to wonder what he actually is. He’s not a vampire, lacks gracefulness. Not a human, too charming for that matter. And his eyes!

"It looks like the only available seat is next to Ariel," Mrs. Summers mused. I pricked my ears up at the sound of my name. "Oh dear. I am very sorry Michael to have to pair you up with Ariel. She’s not the social type and is dreadfully new to the school, but I am sorry dear, you’ll have to sit next to her until I can conduct new seating arrangements.” Michael peered over my way, meeting my gaze.


That sent a shock running through my frozen veins.

I quickly shook my head, returning me back to reality.

“Ariel? Would you mind scooting over?”

I quickly did as she asked. Too quick, I’m afraid. I left my classmates and teachers wide- eyed at my astonishingly movement. So, the monster would be sitting next to me? And, it seemed, would be my lab partner, as I did not have one up until then.

Michael glided to the seat next to mine, peoples' eyes following him. Some students' mouths were agape as they soaked in the inhuman grace with which the auburn-haired monster walked. Us creatures were not the kind one could get used to easily, meaning that he could not be one of us?

He smiled a crooked smile as he sat down next to me. I stayed frozen, holding my breath so I wouldn’t have to smell his blood. It would be very hard to try to fit in with him being so dreadfully close. And, judging by the long, meaningful looks he received from all of the females in the class, I apparently was the only one that didn’t seem to fit that area.

Within a few minutes, the brief directions were given, and the assignment sheets were forwarded to the students' notebooks.

"You have the rest of class to work," Mrs. Summers instructed.

As soon as these words were uttered, the volume rose in the classroom. Everyone began to chat, most likely not about the assignment, and more shuffling could be heard as people cleared off their desks and got out their materials.

I didn’t even bother to stare at him. He didn’t even bother to stare at me. I just kept my gaze on my assignment and picked up my pencil. I scooted the farthest away from Michael as I possibly could, my hands fixing up into fists. I was sitting on the edge of my seat. I tried to ease up a bit, trying not to cause suspicion to this scenario. I didn’t want to look like a piece of rock in front of this whole class.

Class was excruciatingly slow, perhaps due to the fact that I had this odd creature sitting beside me, which really bothered the crap out of me.

The bell rang for our next class and the students put away their materials and sent Mrs. Summers their assignments. Michael swiftly put away his belongings, and then stood up at the same time. It was much too fast for everyone’s eyes as they gaped. Not mines. It was perfectly done; except for the fact that I know a human is incapable of that ability.

What would a vampire do in a situation like this? Stare. And stare I did.

I stared as he rapidly, yet with such precision, that I forgot I wasn’t looking at a vampire. He had blood in his veins. I could smell it. That completely ruled out the possibilities of a vampire. But his visage was so much like one that deceived me numerous times. I aimlessly followed him a few yards away, keeping my eye on him.

"Have lunch with me, Alice." Michael appeared from behind me. When did he turn? I was watching him the whole time! “Meet me right under the clock when the bell rings.

Michael wanted to have lunch with me? Absolutely not! Never in a million years! I don’t even know what this guy is and I’m going to have lunch with him?? NO!

“I’m sorry. I cannot.” I denied, still facing forward as if nothing happened.

“What be the reason?” He frowned.

“Too many complications.” I spoke in a monotone. I pivoted on my heel and headed the other way.

I decided to skip lunch, skip the rest of the 6 periods. I should head home for a little bit. I walked through the boiler room of the school, through the faculty parking lot, through the student parking lot all the way to the very end. I like parking so far, that way no one could see me or distraught me. I could still picture Michael’s face so clearly. It was sickening my stomach. It really pissed me off when I could never find out about a person. Especially his kind. Whatever his kind is.

I sped towards my Porsche. It was new. Daddy just gotten it custom made for me. Diamond Ice silver paint. That’s super hot. I haven’t really strained it out much, well except when I drove from England, where I was born and mostly raised, towards Asia and through the Ice Bridge that connected it to Alaska. It was all under 3 hours of a drive, impressive for a new car. The Alaska clan is so much more civilized than all of the American ones. I spent about 15 years there. Dad insisted that I head to my sister’s place, which is all the way down in the United States. He wants me to gain control and interact with this thing called humans. I like Alaska better. It’s darker. Who cares about the rest.

All the vampires here strain themselves so much because they are around people constantly! In Alaska we are all at a great distant apart. I would say 10 miles from civilization? Pure snow. Pitch dark, right next to the forest, really close to antelopes.

But point being it was time to head back towards my dad’s place. Relax and regain control. I was almost at a point where I would sprang up on Michael if I would of taken the slightest breath.

I cranked the door open and slid in. I switched the gears and raced out of the lot. Good thing no one was there too see me, then I would really start a riot.

As I drove back home, I couldn’t stop thinking about Michael.

What in the world is he?!
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter finally done!
Wondering what Michael is??
trust me, you will never believe that he is a / an ______ :D
Bwuahaha :D :D