There Is Blood on the Tracks Tonight, And Rust Inside Our Veins

im not too sure yet, as i am still writing it. but so far, its about Gerard having night terrors, and is being attacked by a lady-ghost. tis good so far!
  1. Ch. 1
  2. Ch. 2
    Gerard learns about his house
  3. Ch. 3
  4. Ch. 4
  5. Ch. 5
  6. Ch. 6
  7. Ch. 7
  8. Ch. 8
  9. Ch. 9
    I am so sorry I havent' been updateing like I was! I have been very busy at college, and with my homework. I will pump out as much as I can on Fridays and *maybe* Sundays.
  10. Ch. 10
    A/N: Michelle is no one, I made her up
  11. Ch.11
    More added
  12. Ch. 12
    More ADDED!!!
  13. Ch.13
  14. Ch. 14
    More added....
  15. Ch. 15
  16. Ch. 16
  17. Ch. 17
  18. Ch. 18
  19. Ch. 19
    If this gets too confusing, just PM me, and I'll explain it to you!
  20. Ch. 20
    I added more to this!!
  21. Ch. 21
  22. Ch 22
    Short, but, I will add more when I can
  23. Ch 23
  24. Ch 24
    I will add more, no fear
  25. Not A Chapter, Just Need-To-Know Info
  26. Still Not A Chapter
  27. Ch 25
    Sorry it's short, I'm switching colleges