‹ Prequel: Awake and Unafraid

Asleep Or Dead


~Gerard's POV~

"Hey Ray, what's the touring schedule?" I ask absentmindedly.

"Hell, Gerard, I told you like a bajillion times! First, we're onto Nashville, then Charlotte-"

"Hold it- Did you say Charlotte?" I choked on my water bottle.

"Oh God, Gee, don't- We didn't want to tell you-"

"Fucking shit! God, I can't go, cancel that show."

"Gerard! That show is sold out like shit! Just deal!"

"I won't be able to handle it." I said matter-of-factly.

"11,000." Ray said.


"11,000 people. All of North Carolina and Virginia's MCR fanbase. Thanks."

"Fuck it Ray! Damn, I'll do it. Gosh."

"Good. Now get me a soda."

"Fuck you."

I headed to my bunk and sat down on the same old green bedsheets we had last time. I had reassigned my bunk to the one she stayed in a while back when I first met her. Kate. God did I miss her, I picked up my cell. If I didn't talk to her, I'd be suicidal. Again.

"Hello?" Kaitlyn asked. She changed.

"Kate." I choked out.

"G-Gerard? But-"

"Yeah, I know, I just stole Ray's phone. I need to see you, I'm a fucking wreck. I mean, I can't stand this shit!"

"Well, um, Gerard, Did you check your touring schedule recently?"

"Charlotte, I know."

"No, Later."

I grabbed the piece of paper tacked on the bulletin board. My eyes widened at the results.


"Um, yeah. So, you'll be able to see me soon! God, I look so different."

"Wait 'til you see me." I said.
~Kaitlyn's POV~

Gerard and I talked for about four hours, until Frank was yelling at him to get off so he could call Brian about food provisions. I heard Gerard shout about things food has done for him and thier limits and Frank start yelling and Ray saying things about his phone bill and cussing him out. Boys.

Eileen came back to the room with news, as usual.

"What happened this time?" I asked sarcastically.

"I have, like, totally exciting news!" She screeched.

"What? Timmy in the well?"

"No, Lassie, we have a new student!!"

"Oh really. Aren't you enough?"

"Ouch, what has you all in a knot?"

"Oh, nothing. Just personal stuff."

"Like personal personal stuff?"

"Yeah, whatever."

"Me wants to hear..."

"Erm..." How was I going to explain this. Easy.


"Pweety please?"

"No. I'll tell you later."

"Well I'm going to go talk to Earnest."


"The new student. Oh that's right! You bit my head off."

"You know what they say, my friend, An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth."

With that I went back to my comic.