Silver Foil

Chapter Four

"What is this?!"

That was Robyn's reaction when she opened her locker to discover a bunch of long-stemmed, red roses fastened with a yellow suspender which had a letter dangling from it.

Dear Robyn,

I was an isolated beast before you came into my life. You make me into the man I've always wished for myself to be. I get lost in your bashful and affectionate personality and those soft, caring eyes. You seem to always know what to say. There hasn't been a day where I haven't thought about telling you all of this. I've admired you from afar and near. This time I want to observe you from a lover's view.

Be mine?


Noah Stratzer

P.S. I know all of this may be a shock to you but turn around.

Robyn turned hesitantly. There stood Noah holding her books and a happy grin.

"What's all this for?"

"I love you, Robyn. That's the best way I could tell you. Want to be my girlfriend?" Noah asked, a blush manifesting on his cheeks.

"I don't know. My dad said I couldn't date until I was 36."

They both laughed to kill the silence. Noah motioned towards their first hour class. They slowly walked down the hall, arm in arm.

People around the pair had started to notice the drastic changes in each. Robyn started to talk more and be more open to change. Noah was actually happy and was getting even better grades.

While everyone was happy and changing for the better, there was one person who wasn't happy at all.

Her name was Samantha. Samantha had been Noah's first girlfriend and one of Robyn's first best friends back in 4th grade. She was sick of these two being so sweet and cheerful. She could have marched right to their lunch table where they were chatting and having so much fun, but she didn't. She smirked under her golden halo of hair.

Good job, Noah. Keep this up and maybe I'll get back together with you. Just like in science. What must go up must come crashing down sometime...
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I GOT THIS! Everything shall fall into place don't worry. Thanks for all the help! Appreciate it! It's short again I know...I'm trying!