Music and All Its Wonders

So Jessica LOVED this when she read it, which made me a waaay happy author. I was so nervous because she didn't give me any idea of what she wanted it to be like, so I basically just came up with an idea, and then she mentioned her older brother Michael who died a few years ago, and the story just grew from that.
So yes, Michael was real, his story is real, and this is dedicated to him and his baby sister.
My heart goes out to Jess, because I've got a big brother too, and I almost lost him around the time she lost hers.
I love you David, no matter how annoying and overprotective you can be.
Please comment, and if you also want to make a request, whether a one-shot or if you would like to be featured in a story, send me a message!
God bless, crazy-cool peeps!