If I Was Your Vampire

Burn It Down

“We have to move” Master Manson said pacing the room.

“Why?” Pete asked confused.

Master Manson sighed “We’ve been spotted by the vengeance demons”

Ronnie cut it “Then where would we move to? I thought we were safe here in Florida”

Nick answered “I guess not” then he turned to Master “where will we go now?”

Master stayed quiet and then replied “We will be going to California. There you will pursue lives as normal teenagers. After doing daily routines of a human you must return back to where the clan will settle. You may socialize but be careful who you are around. Everything is set and we have to get a move on”

Kristey, Kim, and Daniela walked in.

“What’s going on?” Kristey asked.

Greg answered “We have been spotted and now we are moving to California”

Kim looked at Master “Is that true?”

He nodded “I’m afraid it is young child. We must get a move on”

Jake stood up “Lets go”

We all nodded and headed out the place we called home. When we reached the outside everyone grabbed a lighter.

“Burn it down!” Nick yelled.

And we did.

“There must not be any evidence that we were here”
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ok well its a new story!! i know its short but im workin on it!!

Updates for all stories will come slow! im sorry! between school and personal problems things arent easy!

comments are always nice<3
