If I Was Your Vampire

The Nobodies

“Kristey wake up” I heard Kim whisper.

I rolled over to the other side of my bed and saw Kim standing at my door “Why?”

She smiled “because you don’t want to be late for your first day of school do you?”

I sighed deeply and got up.

“That a girl” Kim said pinching my cheeks.

I glared playfully “I hate you”

“I love you too” she smiled and then walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I looked into the mirror and I didn’t like what I saw. I should be proud of what I am, that these people took me in, but being a vampire has its disadvantages. In my clan one cannot choose who they want to marry or what they want to do with their lives. I wish to explore my options, see the outside world and break the rules. Just because I’m a vampire doesn’t mean I cant live a human life. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door.

“Come in” I sighed.

Then Nick walked in and appeared at the door of my bathroom.“Hey you” he said cheerfully. He was always the hopeful one and found the brighter sides of most situations.

“Hey yourself” I smiled.

He rolled his eyes” You ready?”

“ready for what?” I asked confused.

He laughed “To start school”

“Oh” I laughed “yeah, I guess, but there’s one thing that worries me” he waited for me to continue “we all don’t look alike and yet we come from the same family according to the school”

He nodded “We can say we are adopted”

I shook my head “Nah its to expected besides we are family no matter what”

He smiled “damn right, now hurry your ass up or we’ll be late”

I pushed him playfully and then he walked out and I was alone once again. I sighed and looked in the mirror again. My eyes were honey brown with a touch of black surrounding the color. I was pale but that was expected. My hair was brown with purple streaks. I smiled to myself keeping hope alive, something I haven’t had in a while. I turned to the shower and went in. I stood under the hot water letting it soothe me and taking all my worries away.

Twenty-minutes later I was getting dressed. I wore a pair of faded jeans with a fitted purple shirt. Then I grabbed my chucks and slipped them on. I straightened my hair and then put heavy duty eyeliner and purple eye shadow.

Kim walked in “Are you looking for a boyfriend or what?”

I rolled my eyes “No, I should be asking you that”

She laughed “You never know”

“True, I mean its you”

She gasped and held her hand to her heart pretending to be hurt “that hurt” she smiled “we better get going and Master wants to tell us all something before we leave”

I nodded “alright lets go”


Everyone was sitting at the table waiting for Master. Moments later the chatter died down when he entered the room.

“Morning children” he smiled.

We all hated the fact that he called us children but we went along with it. “Good morning master” we all said.

“Today is a new day in our lives. I have made everyone’s identity”

“We have to change our names?” Daniela asked.

Master shook his head “No my dear, only our last name and there is false information. Worry not my children you are safe. Now be careful, do not let your guard down. If anything you may leave school for whatever reason but you are not allowed to use your powers out of this house or anywhere you can be seen. Understood?

”We all nodded our heads “yes master”

He smiled and then waved “off you go now” then he disappeared out of the room.

Me and Kim walked together. We were the closest together in the house.

“ I hate that we have to go to school just because we look young” Kim whined.

“I know we are 400 years old and we are in our junior year in high school. I mean we ended that shit along ass time ago."

Kim laughed “Right you are my sister”

School is a fucking 20 minute walk”

“I know” she chuckled “we don’t have cars yet but soon enough”

I looked at her with devilish eyes and then I knew she was reading my mind and spoke up “Kristey, no, you know we are not supposed to use our powers”

I frowned “please”

She rolled her eyes “Just this once then we are jacking a car”

Before we knew it we were at school.

“This should be interesting” Kim stated.

I nodded “lets get our schedule”

She shook her head “alrighty!” We both walked leaving everyone else behind. Everyone of us got along with different people but only me and Kim stuck together. We always were on our own and I didn’t think anything was going to change this year.

Note to self: Change comes soon.
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ok well heres the second chapter! enjoy!

Updates for Run Baby Run and A Little Piece of Heaven will hopefully be posted by sunday.

B-day comin up soon so excited

hope u guys like [[comments are appreciated]]
