The Beast


Beast still in the same position waits looking at the rose. Out the window lights come from the forest. “It looks like we have guest. You better go scare them off.”

“I’m tired of scaring people.” He says with a sorrowful heart.

“What’s wrong with you? They have guns.”

“Let them come I don’t care anymore.”

“Snap out of it Beast go get them!”

Beast growls at his shadow “Get out of my house!”

“What would you do without me?”

“Be happy for once. You have ruined my life; I’m done listening to you!”

“You don’t mean that.”

“Leave! Now!”

“Fine…you want to be alone Beast, so be it.” The shadow then disappears into the darkness.
Outside the castle the men become scared after hearing the Beast scream. Gaston turns around “What are you afraid of lets go.”

“I don’t know about this Gaston.”

“Something about this just doesn’t seem right.”

Gaston turns to his best friend “Sorry Gaston.” He turns away and heads back into the forest followed by everyone else.

“Useless every one of you!” Gaston shouts “Cowards!” Gaston loads his rifle and enters the gates “I’ll just do it myself.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Originaly The shadow was suposed to be the old lady that he turned down originaly and shes been there to screw him over.
but i didnt like the way that played out so the shadow is just his beast self which he finaly gets rid of here.
p.s. the shadow was always a jackass even though he was just there to look after himself