The Beast


Belle’s step father drives in an old little car which is barely running. It’s a dark night that night as he drives down an old road though the forest. Suddenly a wolf crosses the road and He slams on his breaks causing him to get turned around on the gravel road. He takes a deep breath and begins driving again, but he has unknowingly taken the wrong path. After at least an hour of driving he comes to a dead end. He stops the car and steps out, covering himself from the cold air. He examines the dead end and gets back in his car. The car suddenly stops running, he tries turning the ignition and after many failed attempts he gives up and steps back outside. He grabs a flash light from the trunk of the car and shines it around hoping to find some help. He notices a small trail by the dead end and starts walking.

The path is very dark and the wind shakes the trees around. Howls and other animal noises can be heard. He gets the feeling that something is walking around him. He picks up his pace and starts running. Another howl is heard this one sounded real close. He begins to panic and runs even faster through the trail. He then slips and falls down a small hill. He lays there for a second the picks himself up; he looks up and sees a big dark castle. He walks up to the gates and pushes it open. It makes a loud screeching sound. He walks to the front door and knocks on the knocker. He receives no answer; he knocks again and pushes the door open “Hello.” His voice echoes in the huge castle. He closes the door and walks slowly in “Is anyone there?” He walks into the next room where a fire place is seen. The fire is dead and he starts a new one taking a seat in the big chair. He sits there for a moment getting warm. He sits back in the seat and runs his hand across the arm rest and feels a tear. He looks at it and notices a huge claw mark. His heart goes in his throat a huge slam is head from the door behind him. He jumps out of the chair frightened, “I’m a terribly sorry my car broke down and I need help can you please help.” He gets no answer only a low growl as a huge figure appears from the darkness. The fires’ glow starts to die as he backs himself against the wall. “So can you help me?” The Beast takes a step forward and can be slightly seen. The man starts to shake “The Beast.” The fire dies completely and the beast grabs the man pining him against the wall as he asks him “Do you have family?”
The man frightened “Excuse me?” the Beast then yells “Do you have family!” the man stutters his word “Yes, yes I have a step daughter.” Beast thinks for a moment and drops the man.
Relieved “Oh thank you sir I…” The Beast snatches the man by the back of his jacket and drags him through the castle as he screams.
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