The Beast


A few hours later Beast returns to his room after saying goodnight to Belle. He lays some books on a table as his shadow returns “Books?

“Yes Belle was teaching me how to read.”

The shadow chuckles “Read? You can’t read.”

“Then why do I remember the stories.” Beast picks up a book “I can’t read it but I remember the frog and the princess and the frog becomes a prince.”

“Wait what happened to your teeth?”

Beast pushes his thumb against where his two fangs used to be “They’re gone. Does this mean she is falling in love with me?”

“Imposable. The real world isn’t like these books Beast.” The shadow throws a book on the ground “A Beast can’t be loved in the real world. You don’t even know what love is.”



He picks the book up “My name is Vincent not Beast.”

“You gave yourself a name?”

“Yes Belle… Belle! I want to do something special for her.”

“Like what?”

Vincent thinks for a moment.

Back in town
A field is shown as the wind blows the long grass around. A couple birds pop out but are quickly shot down. Gaston walks up to his kill with rifle in hand, as his friend come up behind him “Great shot Gaston.”

“I can’t stop think about Belle. She made a fool out of me in front of everybody.”

“Why are you still thinking about that weird girl when you can have anyone you want?”

“That’s the thing Belle is the only one that doesn’t want me.” Gaston turns around at the sight of Belles’ step father running toward him “Gaston you’re the only one that can help me, no one else will believe me.”

“Believe what?”
“Belle she’s been kidnapped by a giant Beast!” Gaston and his friend laugh at the old fool “It’s true you have to believe me, she’s been locked up in a giant castle.” The man coughs

“I think you should go lie down old man. You’re not thinking clearly.” Gaston and his buddy walk past him.

“Please wont anyone help me?”
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