Love as Bitter as It Ever Was


Kailli’s POV

Donovan left the tent in a fowl mood after commenting on how troublesome I was.

It wasn’t my fault, any of the times.

I wasn’t in love with any of them, I didn’t purposely make them fall for me either.

The only one I was sure was in love with me anyway was this little wolf.

He was getting more annoying by the second too.

He smelt horrible and wouldn’t leave me alone.

I’m sure if I got past the smell he might be a nice enough boy, even if he was really naïve.

The wolf had left me now, I still didn’t know his name which was weird.

I lay on the small bed staring at the ceiling thinking about my awful predicament.

I was listening to the world outside when I heard growls and mumblings.

“What do we have here then?” a rough old voice asked, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

“Lock him up, he dies at sun-up.” They could only be talking about one person.

I shot up out of bed and then fell over feeling how weak I was,

I didn’t know what I could do but I couldn’t just sit here in bed.

I carefully but quickly made my way to where I heard the voice.

A cluster of wolves ran at one figure by the centre fire, it was Donovan.

They all stopped suddenly and turned their heads towards me.

I saw anger light nearly all the wolves eyes and a few lit with curiosity.

“Donovan” he was in danger, they were going to kill him and I couldn’t do anything.

Some of the wolves began to advance cautiously upon me.

The wolf said they couldn’t kill me and yet I wasn’t sure by the way they looked at me.

Normally I wouldn’t be so scared but I was about as strong as a human at the moment, which was frightening in itself.

In a flash of an eye Donovan was running and jumping over the wolves to stand between them and me.

He crouched low in front of me ready to protect me.

“Run!” he screamed but I couldn’t I was frozen to the stop.

Thoughts started flowing through my mind unreservedly.

So many of them thought of killing Donovan, many thought of killing me, only a few remembered I shouldn’t be killed.

One stood out among the wild thoughts of the wolves, Donovan of course.

The familiar homely feel of his thoughts started to calm me, make me think straight, I focused on his strength to act as my own.

Then I heard it,

I can’t let another woman I love die.

The strength and calmness I had gained was smashed, I gasped at how horrible the situation was becoming quickly.

His head turned away and then the wind was hit out of my lungs.

All around me was soft dark brown fur it was my wolf.

I screamed no matter.

I watched being carried away from Donovan as wolves pounced on him from every direction.

They started tearing at him and I started screaming his name.

He was going to die.

I didn’t want him to die.

He couldn’t leave me now.

Not with these animals, I didn’t belong here I belonged with him.

I belonged with Donovan.


I belonged with him…

I think I love him to…

Now he’s dead…
♠ ♠ ♠
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