Dead To Him.

“I hate you” I stated as I stood staring at Miho her name meant beauty or the crest of a wave that was a lie she wasn’t beautiful she was one of the worlds stupidest girls her black hair stopped just under her shoulder blades her grey eyes could pierce through the strongest man oh and the pearl white fangs that have ruined her life she shouldn’t have told him she shouldn’t have told him about her then maybe he’d be here now and she could feel the warmth of his skin once more I picked up the vase that was next to me and threw it at her face
The mirror broke
A piece of the glass flew into my arm then the reality that I was staring at my self began to hurt more than it should I pulled the glass out and healed myself this was the second month at my 1st school I had moved about so many times and learnt never to stay attached to anyone but Torao was different I needed him more than anything maybe I should start at the beginning.
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    Over 18 Content (sex)