Days of Summer

The Roof, Teens Nightclub

As I rolled out of bed the next morning, glancing quickly at my alarm clock that was next to my bed, I realized how uncommonly quiet it was in the house.

Especially for going on noon.

“Mom? Dad?” I called throughout the house as I groggily made my way out of my bedroom.

After not hearing any response I called out again but a little bit louder.

“Mom? Dad? Kevin? Frankie?” I paused for a few seconds at the top of the stairs before I called out an “Anybody?” only to hear Nick’s muffled voice from the living room saying that they weren’t home.

“Obviously.” I stated as I made my way down the rest of the stairs and took a seat next to him.

“Nice to know you care about everyone else except me though. Defiantly can feel the love bro.” Nick said nonchalantly with a small smile slowly making its way across his face to let me know he was only joking.

“Sorry. But seriously, where is everyone?” I asked as I leaned back into the couch and looked at the TV that had, big shocker, Sports Center on it.

Seriously, the kid was addicted to that damn show.

“Mom and Dad went out to lunch, just the two of them for some ‘alone time’ and Kevin took Frankie with him to the airport to pick up Christina. She’s staying with us for a couple days and then a friend I guess.” he stated, not even bothering to look away from the TV screen to notice my horrified face.

“Christina? As in last summer Christina?” I asked, praying that it was some other girl that had the uncanny coincidence of having the name of the best friend to the girl I fell in love with last summer.

“Yeah. He really missed her when we were on tour. You know her right?” Nick asked, turning down the volume of the TV and slowly but surely breaking his gaze from his beloved show.

“Duh I know her. I was there when they met.” I shot back at him, having him snap his head at me the remainder of the way and gave me a strange look.

“You were there when they met? Huh. I didn’t know that.”

“Yeah, well Nick there’s a lot of stuff you don’t know about.” I snapped at him, instantly feeling regret and guilt wash over me from seeing his taken aback face.

“Sorry. I just…it was last summer…and it just brings back some memories.” I said to him while folding my arms over my chest and scowling somewhat as I thought of her yet again for unfortunately, probably the 10th time since we got back to Cali two days ago.

“Dude, you really need to let me in on what happened last summer. I wanna help you man, but I don’t know how…so you gotta give me something to go off of to get my older brother back.” he stated while putting his hand on my shoulder, letting me know he was there for me.

I sat there for a few minutes, scowling a little bit, not sure where to start or what to say.

I knew that if I told him, there was nothing he could do. Not now anyways. Even Kevin couldn’t do anything. And he was around when it actually happened.

“I don’t even know where to begin Nick.” I stated while I buried my head in my hands and leaned forward, letting my elbows rest on my thighs and stay there while I wallowed in my self pity and memories of her.

“How about from the beginning? Like when you first met her. When you and Kevin got to the club…what happened?” he asked softly, clearly trying to make this less painful on me than it already was to begin with.

I lifted my head from my hands and shot him a small appreciative smile while thinking back to the night.

“Dude! This is frickin’ awesome! I’ve never seen anything like this dude!” I said excitedly when Kevin and I walked into The Roof, Teens nightclub.

“Geez. Total Dude alert!” he said with a laugh at my word choice.

“Whatever man. This is so cool and you know it.”

“Yeah, and you’re lucky that the bouncers kids likes us cuz that’s the only reason I got in here. I’m probably the oldest one here besides the DJ’s and bartenders.” he scoffed while looking around the nightclub.

It was frickin’ sweet. Lights. Music. Fake smoke on the dance floor. Oh, and of course a lot of hot girls. Some with guys, some with other girls for girls night.I was gonna make sure that this was gonna be a night I’d never forget.

“So…should we try and meet some ladies or what B.B.?” I asked, smile wide on my face as I looked around the club, taking everything in that surrounded me.

“I don’t know man. Maybe I’ll just get something to drink. And B.B.? What the heck is that?” he asked over the music that was playing which I faintly could understand the words to Cherish’s “Do it, to it.”

“Big Brother. And does this have something to do with Kathleen?” I asked with a serious look and watched as he looked around the club, to not look at me.

“Dude, you two broke up how long ago? You are obligated as my older brother, to have fun tonight and at least get 2 girls numbers and dance with at least one of them. Got it?” I asked him back with smile and a point of my finger to get my demands across.

He let out a skeptical laugh which only made me snap a “Hey!” at him and raise my finger at him again until he let out a true laugh and sighed out an agreement.

“Alright. Now we can get a drink…maybe there will be some ladies we can talk to over there. Let’s go!” I ordered and led the way to the bar, my adrenaline pumping from the vibrations of the bass hitting against me.

“I’ll have a water and Diet Coke.” I ordered, slamming my hand against the bar top, getting the bartenders attention and he nodded his head in my direction to show me he heard my request.

I shot him a thankful smile before turning my attention back towards the people around me and I caught a glimpse of Kevin out of the corner of my eye, checking a girl out already.

Man he’s easy to convince and follow out demands.

And then my heart sank when I saw the girl he was looking at.

She had a ring on her finger.

And defiantly not a purity ring. A diamond ring.

“Since when do you scope out married or soon to be married women?” I yelled to him over the loud music.

“What are you talking about?” he asked back slightly stunned by my observing skills.

“She’s got a rock on her finger man. She’s probably high school sweethearts with some guy and this is part of her bachelorette party.” I stated and then turned around when the bartender lightly bumped my elbow that was resting on the counter top to let me know my drinks were there and that I owed 4 bucks.

I quickly paid the man with a 5 and gave the soda to Kevin, who let out a small laugh from the soda choice I ordered for him, as I took a sip from my water, scoping out the room for any potential candidates for a summer fling.

Don’t get my wrong. If I really like the girl at the end of the summer, I’ll tell her and see if she feels the same way. But if not….well, then that’s why they call it a summer fling, or just a fun night.

“What about that one?” Kevin asked while raising his glass somewhat and pointing in the direction with his pointer finger towards a short black haired girl.I observed her for a few minutes and then shook my head, letting out a faint laugh.

“What? What’s so funny?” he asked me confused.

“She’s either here with her boyfriend or a guy she likes. See how she keeps glancing at the mens room. He probably is in there and she’s waiting for him to come back.”

“How do you know this? Seriously, if you get laryngitis or something, becoming a detective would be a good job for you.” Kevin laughed out as he scoped around the room again.

“Look no further. We have some winners.” I said as I caught eyes with two blondes who where smiling over at Kevin and I, and were slowly approaching us.

That was rule number one…wait till they come to you, definitely shows their interested and plus, you don’t have to worry about the rejection if they weren’t looking at you.

“Well hello ladies. How are you this evening?” I asked them both, sending wide smiles to both of them before my eyes landed on the one in front of Kevin.

Long blonde wavy hair pulled back into a half ponytail with a glittery pink shirt and black leggings with black heels.


“Not much. Are you Joe Jonas?” the one I had been checking out asked me.

“Yeah. And it’s only fair for me to know your name since you know mine.” I stated back to her while I heard Kevin let out a small chuckle.

“Kayla. Kayla Robins.” she stated with a smile.

“And what about you?” Kevin asked across me towards the other blonde headed girl in a dressy green top and short jean skirt with black flip flops.

“Amanda. Amanda Telch.”

Kevin nodded his head while I did the same before placing my focus back on Kayla.

“I feel a little bored standing here. Care to dance with me?” I asked her with a playful smile and extending my hand to her while I placed my drink down on the bar.

Her smile widened, it was ok….I’m a smile guy, as I led her out on the dance floor with Kevin and Amanda following behind us.

After about 20 minute of dancing and a lot of laughing, the girls said they were thirsty so we made our way through the crowd of people back towards the bar and ordered another round of drinks.

“So…what brings you ladies out for the night if you don’t mind me asking.” I said as the bartender served me up another water while getting Kevin and the two girls their drinks.

“Oh, it’s our friends birthday. They’re somewhere around here I think.” Kayla said back to me and then turned around to scan the area of people.

“That’s cool. Tell her we say a happy birthday…if she even knows who we are.” Kevin let out a small laugh as Amanda smiled and winked at him.

“Dude…get her number and you’re already 2/3’s of the way done with my demands.” I mumbled to him and then turned back towards the girls right as they started laughing about something.

“What’s so funny?” I asked them, taking a sip of my water and laughing somewhat too from hearing them laughing.

“Nothing…just that it looks like our friend is having a little too much fun on her birthday. She’s 20 today.” Amanda said through her laughs and then pointed into the throng of people towards a group of girls where one of them was sandwiched in between two guys who were clearly feeling her up as they grinded to the current song.

“Well…you only live once right?” I asked them rhetorically and slowly scanned the rest of the group of girls that were laughing at their ‘Birthday Girl’ and my eyes went straight to a long haired gorgeous girl.

She had dark wavy hair and smile that got my heart pumping like crazy.

And as cliché and unoriginal it was, it was practically love at first sight for me.

So maybe it was lust…I didn’t really believe in that whole love at first sight crap, but seriously, all this girl had to do was smile and it got my blood pumping.

“We’ll be right back and get the girls so you can meet them.” I heard one of the two girls we were currently hanging out with say, bringing me back from my little dream world.

“So do you think we should ditch ‘em or what? They’re kinda…not fun.” I heard Kevin say to me and my heart literally jumped for joy when I saw the two girls talking to the one that I’d seen.

“No. They’re bringing more over. Maybe you’ll like one of those.” I said, finally able to tear my eyes away from the mystery girl since Kayla had stepped into my line of sight.

“What? You actually liked them?” Kevin asked me in a somewhat shocked voice.

“No. Well, they could’ve been worse, but I really think their friend is mighty good looking.” I said with a nod of my head towards the group of 5 or 6 girls that were crowded together to talk.

“Which one? There’s like 4 new girls now.” he stated with a laugh.

“The dark haired one. She’s wearing the little red dress.” I said to him, now getting a chance to see what she was wearing since my face wasn’t able to see her smile.

She looked about 5’4” with her heels on that weren’t that high…and WOW!

That’s all I could say. She was…perfect. Literally. All I needed was her name and then I’d be set.

“The one in the black dress is cute.” I heard him state from next to me and I made myself look away from my dream girl to look at the one he was talking about.

She had her arm latched through the girl that I was previously gawking at and she was a little bit shorter than her with her light brown hair pulled up into a messy bun with her side bangs off to the side.

Kevin and I liked side bangs. It was cute. And yet gave a girl mystery whenever it landed over their eye and gave them a somewhat sexy look too when a couple strands were in front of it.

Yeah, we defiantly liked side bangs. Also, dresses…and both girls had both.

I straightened up a little bit and I noticed Kevin did too when the group of girls pointed towards us and then slowly made their way over.

“This is…” Kayla trailed off into a list of names that I wouldn’t remember and honestly didn’t care about. I just wanted to know the red dress girl’s name and I’m sure Kevin wanted to know about the girl in the black dress.

“And then my step sister, Allie and her friend Tina.” she finished off, pointing to the girl in the red dress and then the girl in black.


It fit her perfectly. I should’ve guessed.

“Hey. I’m Joe and this is my brother Kevin.” I said while smiling directly at Allie, hoping to catch her eye and luckily I did before she turned to her friend Tina and the two started talking about something, making them both laugh.

“And this is our birthday girl for the evening, Lauren!” Amanda announced with a laugh as a long dark blonde haired girl giggled and winked at either me or Kevin…or in our direction.

I noticed her cheeks were a little red and how her legs were shaking somewhat.

“Is she ok?” I asked while leaning towards Amanda since she was the closest one to me.

“Yeah. She drank a little bit back at her house. Her brother is 22 and he bought some alcohol for her for her birthday. We all took some shots and then took a cab here. Did you want some? I think they brought a water bottle with them that they filled up.” she answered me and as I looked around at the other girls, I noticed they all seemed to be smiling widely and giggling like crazy while they stood there somewhat shaking from being intoxicated.

“No. I’m good.” I said back to her with a quick shake of my head while Kevin did the same with a smile on his face.

“Alright. It was nice to meet you guys but we gotta party it up! Let’s go!” Lauren yelled and then pulled on two girls arms and made her way back into the group of people. Amanda and Kayla following while laughing a little bit.

“I think I need another drink.” I heard Allie say to her friend Tina and then pulled out a water bottle from her large black purse and quickly took a swig from it and then making a face before capping it off and putting back.

“So…what did you guys say your names were again?” Tina asked as she let out a small giggle while defiantly checking Kevin out.

“I’m Kevin and this is my brother Joe. Tina right?” Kevin asked her back while taking a small step towards her.

She nodded her head, big smile on her face and then bumped her hip against Allies before unlatching her arm and asking Kevin to dance.

He looked over at me to see if approved of him leaving me, but I was already in my own little dream world, staring at Allie.

I couldn’t believe how gorgeous she was.

“So…Joe…” she said as she looked at me and then let a small smile come onto her face as one appeared on mine just from hearing her say my name. “How are your reflexes?”

And with that she fell forward, causing me to take a step forward and catch her.

“Good. You smell good by the way.” she said looking up at me from my chest where she landed with a soft thud.

“Thanks.” was all I was able to mumble under my breath from how strikingly beautiful she was up close.

“So…” she said as she pushed herself off of me to stand up straight again, leaving a small gap between us. “Are you with Kayla or someone else?”

“No.” I instantly said and then took in a breath to keep my cool. “I’m not with anyone. What about you?”

“Long story, but no. Not anymore. And I don’t intend on telling it. I think I have a few other better things to do with my time like…dance?” she asked as a smirk came across her face, one mirroring onto mine from her question.

She then grabbed my wrist and led me onto the dance floor but away from where her friends were and into a corner where there was a little less people.

Right when she turned around, another song started and I heard the infamous beat of “Get Low” by Lil Jon and she smiled up at me.“I love this song.” and with that she started swinging her hips to the beat and turning her back to me, leaving me mesmerized and my eyes transfixed on her hips.

That is, until she stopped and turned around.“What? Don’t know how to dance?” she asked with an innocent smirk that practically was begging me to challenge her statement.

I let out a quiet laugh and then quickly grabbed her hips and pulled her towards me, making her hips instantly start to move to the beat again once she was pressed against me.

I could tell she was having a good time dancing…on me, and out of all honesty, I defiantly was too.

Her body was amazing. Perfectly proportioned to her height and she defiantly knew what to do with it.

And then she looked up at me with a certain gleam in her eyes that made me do it.

I kissed her.

And not just a little peck on the lips or on the cheek.

I full out grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into me, having my mouth open slightly from the beginning from how turned on I was.I wasn’t going to act on it besides making out, but for a second, I wished I was married just so that I could do something more with her.

Obviously married to her though. Not to some other woman and…you get the point.

“You kissed her?!” Nick’s shocked voice broke through my memory.

“Yes I kissed her. Now can I get back to my story?” I asked him back while trying to pick up from where I left off.

“Anyways…so I kissed her…”

She smiled against my lips and lightly pushed away from me, and for some reason it didn’t feel like a rejection push, it felt like…if you want more you have to come get it.

And I did.

I pushed her up against the back wall, making a few people look our way as they ran to get out of the way, and kissed her hard again.

Even though there was just a hint of alcohol on her breath from her mint gum that she was chewing to cover it up, I didn’t mind the least.

If anything, it’s what kept me wanting to kiss her. She tasted so good. She kissed so good. She moved her tongue really good. And she was still moving her hips to the music.

We made out for the rest of the song, her hands moving through my hair and down my back while I pinned her against the wall.

This wasn’t normally what I would do.

I had a reputation to protect, but something about her brought it out of me. And I didn’t want to stop.

Kissing her was amazing. Feeling her pressed up against me was amazing. And the fact that she seemed to be going along with it made even more was amazing.

Yeah. If I didn’t completely love summer to begin with, I did now. All because of her.

“There you-Holy crap!” I heard Kevin’s shocked voice pulled me away from my previous distraction.

My lips on hers.

I looked over at him while she attacked my neck and started sucking on it, causing me to tense up completely from that, cuz let’s face it.

I’m a guy, already dancing and making out with a girl, a gorgeous, ‘where have you been all my life’ girl, who then starts sucking on my neck…come on. You do the math.

Let’s just say I’m glad my skinny pants weren’t as tight as some of Nick’s were.

“We were getting….aquatinted.” I stated with a smile and Tina giggled slightly from his side.

“With your mouths?” Kevin asked as he tried to play big responsible brother, but I saw that smirk that was fighting it’s way onto his face.

“Don’t’ worry about it Kevin. Why don’t you and Tina get aquatinted?” I asked with a small hand gesture towards them to get them to leave us be.

“I was actually thinking of a different aquatinted. Like getting food or something. And I wanted to see if you two wanted to come with.” he stated, making Allie to, unfortunately, stop her sucking on my neck.

“Food actually sounds good right now. I’m kinda hungry from all the…” she smirked and winked at me before finishing her sentence. “dancing we were doing.”

“Dancing with your tongues!” Tina yelled out and then started to giggle again from next to Kevin’s side, bringing that smile up onto his face.

“Either way…” Allie said, letting go of me all together and straightening up and flattening her dress to her that got a little disheveled from our previous actions. “I’m hungry.”

And with that, she grabbed my hand as she made her way past me towards the two who turned around and started to lead the way out of the club.

But before we fully exited the club, she turned towards me and kissed me hard and right when I was about to kiss her back getting over the initial shock of what was going on, she cut it off and leaned towards me and whispered in my ear, “You’re headed for a summer you’ll never forget Jonas.”

I smirked back at her before she turned back around but I grabbed her and pulled her towards me, kissing her just as hard as she did a few minutes ago before whispering in her ear, “I’ll hold you to that.”

“Holy crap! Man! I so wish I was older! You and Kevin always get to do such cool stuff and I never get to do that. I hate being the youngest!” Nick sulked out while leaning into the back of the couch and crossed his arms over his chest, while throwing a silent temper tantrum.

I continued to smile thinking about that night.

That wasn’t a bad memory that I didn’t mind reliving. On second thought, if I could only keep one memory, it would defiantly be that one. Maybe a few more…but they all consisted of her.

“We’re home! Tina is so cool!” Frankie yelled throughout the house, bringing me back to reality while Nick jumped from the sudden outburst.

I let a small smile come across my face from seeing my little brother so excited about a girl staying with us, but when I caught a glimpse of her and Kevin through the window, my smile instantly disappeared.

They were kissing.

And no, I don’t care if my brothers kiss girls in front of me…it’s just that…it was her. The best friend to the girl that-no. Don’t think about her. Try to have fun this summer.

They pulled away and practically skipped their way up to the house, bags in hand for however long she was gonna be staying in Cali for and I noticed that when she saw me, her smile that was on her face, dropped a little bit, making me completely feel like crap.

I got up from the couch and made my way past her towards the stairs, completely mute on both of our ends.

We both knew what we wanted to say to each other.

I knew she wanted to say something nice to make me feel better, and I wanted to yell, or scream, maybe even cry if it would change anything.

But it wasn’t going to. Nothing was going to make it better. Not now anyways.

So I just walked by her, sending her a quick fake smile before I made my way up the stairs towards my room.

“Hey Joe.” she said quietly when I was halfway up them, causing me to stop and turn my head to look at her.

I looked at her sad face. I could see it in her eyes that felt bad for me.

For what happened last summer.

But there was nothing that anyone could do about it now.

So all I said was a “Hey.” back and proceeded up to my bedroom and drowned myself in music that I swear, I saw some dust from the wall fall from it being so loud.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I know that this was really....I dont' even know. And don't think that Allie is a slut either. That's just her personality. She's very outgoing and doesn't care what other's think and lives in the moment. Also, she was a little tipsy.

But other than that, she's a good character. Along with Tina. : )

I hope your enjoying this story and comment me what you like or don't like. That way I can make it better for all of you! : )