‹ Prequel: Does He Love Me?

Guess What He Loves Me

The Voices

I heard voices for the first time in what seemed like forever. I just had been sitting there in darkness. I heard some doctors voice and what sounded like my moms voice. Oh how i had missed it. I opened my eyes a bit to see a doctor talking to my mom and Craig about something and they were crying. I could barely make out what the doctor was saying with this huge machine hooked up to me. "Well Mr. and Mrs. Marie, her time is almost up. If she doesn't wake up by tomorrow morning we'll have to pull the plug." My mom started to cry even more.

"Come on doc, just one more week. Jessie is a strong girl. She'll pull threw! I swear!" Pull threw? What were they talking about? My time was almost up? I'm so confused! What day is it?! I looked up at the calendar and saw that it was June 18th. It had only been a couple of weeks since the shooting I'm guessing. Was i in a coma?

"I'm sorry but we gave her 4 years and that four years is almost up since the shooting." 4 fucking years?! Thats how long i had been in a coma?! I decided that i had to tell them i was awake. I sat up and my mom fainted. Craig almost lost his lunch he was so shocked. The doctor was startled when he turned around. I was taking all the little things that were stuck to me off. Except that little tube that goes up my nose. i was afraid if i pulled it, it would mess up my nose or my lungs or something. "Jessie?" The doctor said moving closer to me.

"Yeah? What happened? Was i in a coma?! Wheres Ben? And Rachel and Jake? What year is it?!" I said trying to figure out what was going on.

"Yes you were put into a coma after the surgery on your chest. Where you got hit, remember?"

"Yes. I remember." I said pulling my shirt out to see a huge X scar on my chest. I let go of the shirt and put my head back up to look at the doctor.

"Its the year 2012, Jessie, All of your friends have just graduated. Rachel and Jake had their baby." My mom said getting back up off of the floor. She ran up to me and hugged me. 2012? Wow, Ive missed a lot.

"Is it a girl or a boy?" I asked as my mom stopped hugging me. She put her hands on my shoulder.

"It was a beautiful baby girl. Named Jessica Anne. Named after you. It looked just like you. Jessica is about 3 and a half now. You should see her. She looks and acts just like you. Every time i see her i would cry. Rachel and Jake cry sometimes too. They are getting married in 2 days. you should surprise them all by going. We'll keep it a secret." My mom and i both giggled and i agreed to it.

"What happened to Ben?" My mom looked over at Craig and then looked back at me and sighed. "Mom? Where is Ben?"

"Well, we don't know. About a year after you were put under, he up and left. He came by our house saying he couldn't take it anymore. Everything he did reminded him of you. He was miserable. I'm sorry Jessie. We don't know if hes coming back. we saw him once about a year and a half ago. He came to see you. He said he was going to some place out west for awhile and he would checking every once in awhile. Then left." Was i hearing this right?! He's gone? I began to cry. My mom comforted me. After about 15 minutes i stopped crying. How can he just leave? I kept asking myself those kids of questions in my head. Then i realized that my hair was like super long. it was only like an inch below my shoulders and now its half way down my back. Its still a sandy brown color.

"Someone get me a mirror!" I said looking up at my mom and wiping my tears away. The doctor had left while i was crying. My mom brought me a mirror in from the bathroom. I took it and was shocked. I was gorgeous! Nice pale lips. I looked a lot like i used to but a lot more sophisticated. I still felt like a teenager even though i was 18. Turning 19 in July. I needed to get out of he hospital and now! I had to get ready. I had a wedding to go to tomorrow!
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sorry it took so long :)