‹ Prequel: Does He Love Me?

Guess What He Loves Me

Trying To Chase The Past

I borrowed some money from my mom and went to the store where i got my dress for Rachel's wedding. I searched and searched all morning but couldn't find anything. I walked down the streets of my old town. A lot of things had changed. The Snow cone Hut was gone and there was a factory there now. There were a lot of new streets and buildings where there that weren't there before. I miss the way it used to be. I went to the park. It was still there. The table! I ran over to where the table was that me and Ben sat at and watched the sunrise. I looked all over the top of the table and couldn't find it anywhere! i sighed and then thought it might be on the bottom of it. I looked underneath it but didn't see it there either.

I searched all the other tables and didn't see it on any of those. I accepted defeat and began to walk home when i saw it. There was a path threw the trees that wasn't there last time. I walked about 5 minutes and then i saw this sitting area with 1 table. I sat down on top of the table and saw what i had been looking for. It was a little faded but i could tell what it said. B.R. Loves J.M Forever And Ever. I love you, baby. I started to cry as i laid my head down on top of the words that seemed to mean the world to me at that moment. "Miss? Are you OK?" A voice called out to me from the start of the path out of here. I sat up and dried my tears.

"Yeah, i was just leaving." I said gathering my things and rushing passed the man. I didn't even look to see who it was or what he was doing there. I needed to get back home to see if Ben was there or not. I needed Ben in my life again.

When i got home my mom was making some snacks for Ben, who wasn't there yet. "Oh hey honey you're home. I was just getting everything ready for when Ben gets here. You better go change. And hide upstairs. Did you fin anything to wear?"

"No. I was just going to wear whatever still fits me in my closet." I said sighing as i walked upstairs. My mom looked confused at me but i didn't care.

I went threw my closet and found a white AC DC shirt that still fit and some blue jeans. My converse didn't fit me anymore but my Vans did so i wore those. I was putting my makeup on when i heard the doorbell ring. My mom came upstairs "He's here Jessie. Hurry up. You know I'm so happy you are back." My mom left and went to greet our guest. I left my hair down but i curled it and waited at the top of the stairs.My mom stood up and began to cry. I couldn't see Ben so i figured he was sitting down. "Ben, we have some good news and some bad news. I'll give you the good news." I saw someone stand up, I'm guessing it was Ben. "Come in here Jess."

I took a deep breathe and walked down the stairs. Ben was gorgeous! I mean DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! He had grown up a lot! And he got hotter, way hotter! His jaw dropped. I walked up to him. He was still a couple of inches taller than me so when he hugged me, he set his chin on top of my head. I began to cry. "Ben Ive missed you so much."

"I have too, babe. I have too." He rubbed my back and told me to sit down. I wiped my tears and sat down next to him. My mom sat down next to Craig and began to talk again.

"OK. Now for the bad news." She sighed and looked over at Craig, then back to us. I grabbed Ben's hand and held it tight. "The doctor said that Jessie has made a full recovery, that its like she was never in a coma at all."

"Thats great, whats so bad about it?" Ben asked confusedly.

"The doctors are concerned. Shes the only one they know of to come out of a coma after 4 years and be in great shape like she is. They think something bad might happen to her." Craig said. I looked at Ben and then back at my mom.

"But, if every things OK with me how can something bad happen?!"

"He said that there could be some brain waves that are messed up that make u THINK you are OK. Then after some time those brain waves give out and then you could be put into another coma, or die." My mom began to cry again. I had this shocked look stuck on my face. Ben looked over at me and turned sideways to face me.

"Jessie, i wont let anything happen to you. I never want to loose you again like that. We can get threw this, together." Those words gave me some feel of relief. I hugged Ben and my mom and Craig let us have our alone time together. We hugged for what seemed like forever.

"Ben? Did you really wait for me? You didn't go out with anybody else?"

"Of course i waited. I told you that i love you. I'll wait forever if i have to." I smiled and laid my head on his chest. My hand was laying right next to my face when Ben grabbed it. I looked up at him and he smiled his cute little smile of his. He leaned down toward me and we kissed. Oh how i had missed those. Ben kissed my repeatedly before the door bell rang. My mom got it. It was Rachel and Jake and Jessica.

"Hey you two." Rachel said sitting down next to me. Jake sat down next to her and Jessica saw Ben and jumped up on him.

"Ben! Ben! Ben!" She yelled bouncing up and down on his lap. "Look! I lost a tooth!" She said opening her mouth and pointing to a gap right in the front. We all laughed.

"Jessica get off of Ben." Rachel said trying not to laugh. She got off and went over to Jake. "So, Ben! Wasn't there something you wanted to ask Jessie?" I looked over at Ben and his eyes got really big.

"Ben?" I asked.

"Um." He said scratching the back of his neck.
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kinda sad