‹ Prequel: Does He Love Me?

Guess What He Loves Me

I Am Jessie

The next day i woke up laying on a bed in someone's house. I don't really remember a whole lot from yesterday. Just that me and Ben are getting married. I heard a TV in the next room as i sat up and stretched. I moved the blanket aside and walked to the doorway. Ben was sitting on a couch in the next room and he hadn't noticed that i was up yet. I walked up behind him as quietly as possible, and wrapped my arms around him and said "Good morning." He turned around to face me.

"Hey, you're up!" Ben said smiling. I walked around and sat down next to him. I sunk down into the seat and laid my head on his chest. He didn't have a shirt on but he was in his boxers. This kid has got to be one of the biggest little kids ever, he has Batman boxers. Not that i don't like Batman, Batman is the shit, but seriously? Oh well, i like them. "So since you are up. Ive been thinking. When do you think we should have the wedding?"

"Um, I'm not sure." I said sitting up and looking at him. "We need some time to get everything ready and to figure out what all we want and who all is coming."

"Ya, maybe like a year or so?" He asked turning to face me.

"That sounds good. When should we have it? What month i mean?"

"Everyone seems to have like spring or summer months, i like Fall the best."

"Yeah, same here. Lets have it in August!"

"OK. What day sounds good to you?"

"HM, how about the 9th?"

"Sounds good to me, the 9th it is then." He said beginning to laugh and lean closer to me. As we kissed i smelled alcohol on his breath. I'm guessing he had a little to drink either last night or really early this morning. He doesn't look tired so I'm guessing he has been up for a bit. I got up and went into the bedroom and tried to find some clothes. One of my bags was on the floor and it was filled with some of my clothes. This must be Ben's new house. Its nice. I found a nice blue dress shirt and a pair of nice blue jeans and went into the bathroom to put them on. For some reason i didn't bother closing the door. I had been wearing a pink tank top and a pair of Mickey Mouse shorts that were really tiny on me. I threw them on top of my bag sitting on the bed from the bathroom where i was standing brushing my hair. I just put it up in a messy bun and walked back into the living room.

"Hey I'm going to go over to Rachel's for a bit and then over to my parents house. I'll be back after a bit OK?" I said leaning down over the couch to face Ben.

"OK. I'll probably head over to my moms house to see how shes doing. Shes still upset about my dad just up and leaving. Not taking anything, just going. He still hasn't come back. I'm glad hes gone but she is falling apart."

"Give her my condolences. I'll see ya later k, babe?"

"K, see ya. Love you."

"Love you." I kissed him goodbye and walked outside to my car sitting in the driveway. I have only been awake for a few days. I feel fine. Why would there still be something wrong with me? Doctors are crazy, I'm telling you! I guess i better call Rachel and my mom to tell them I'm heading over to the hospital today so they can run more tests to figure out whats going on. I called Rachel first. "Hey chick what you up to?"

"Not much. On my way home why?"

"I'm going to go to the hospital today to see whats going on and i was gonna see if you wanted to come."

"Of course i wanna come! Let me drop off Jessica at home with Jake and I'll head over there."

"K. See ya there. Bye."


I got in my car and called my mom. "Hey mom, what are you doing today?"

"Well, I'm going to get some new plates. Then I'm going to get some flowers for your fathers grave. Todays the anniversary of his death, you know."

"Oh ya thats right. I forgot that was today. I'll stop by somewhere and get some flowers after i get back from the hospital. " Its been 6 years since he was shot down at the gas station. Some robbers were holding people hostage and my dad just happened to walk by in his new business suit and they thought he was a cop. They shot him 3 times in the chest and he was covered in blood. The doctors said he didn't suffer any so thats good. I hope hes watching over me."Anyways, i was gonna stop by the hospital today and let the doctors run some more tests to see whats going on. Rachel is coming too. I figured you would wanna come."

"Oh, of course. Let me finish getting ready and I'll meet you over there, K? Bye."

"Alright. Bye." I sat my phone down on the passenger side seat and drove to the gas station. I needed something to drink, so i got a bottle of Mountain Dew and a pack of the new Always Mandarin Stride gum. There was only 1 other person in the gas station and he was looking at me funny. He got in line behind me when i went up to pay and when i turned around he smiled really big at me. I politely smiled back and walked away to my car as fast as i could. He was really creepy. It didn't look like he was following me so i felt a little better.

It takes about 25 minutes to get to the hospital. Today must be the day to go to the hospital cause i couldn't find a single parking spot! I drove around for about 5 minutes and then i found a parking spot...all the way on the other side of the hospital! I had to walk out of that parking area, around the front main entrance, up the hill on the left side, and in the left-main entrance. I walked inside and checked in at the desk and sat down to wait for Rachel and my mom. I heard a lot of screaming coming from one of the rooms behind the desk. There was a woman and a man in the room. The man looked very angry at something and the woman was crying. There was a something in the mans pocket. When he passed the door again, i saw him reach for it. I think its a knife! I got up and ran to where there was an opening to go behind the desk.

"Miss, you cant come back here!" One of the nurses said grabbing my arm.

"That man has a knife!" I said pointing to the room where the yelling was coming from. The door was now shut and i heard the woman scream. One of the nurses ran and opened the door and saw the man holding a knife with blood dripping off of it. The woman that had been screaming was now on the floor holding her stomach which was covered in blood. "Someone get a doctor!" I said running over to help the woman. I took a towel that was on the nearby table and pressed firmly on her wound. 3 of the doctors that were walking by when all this happened were holding down the man as they waited for the police to get here. I tried to calm the woman down. "Ma'am? can you tell me your name? Who was that man? why did he hurt you?" She began to cry and she winced in pain before answering me.

"My name is Audrey Marie Woods. That man WAS my boyfriend. And...the reason he hurt me was because..." She looked down at my hands.

"Its OK. You can tell me." I tried to comfort her in her time of need.

"I'm pregnant. And hes not the father. Thats why we were here. To figure out if he was the father or not. And hes not." She began to cry some more. 2 doctors rushed in and told me to keep putting pressure on the wound while they got her onto a bed and rolled her off to the emergency room. I was told to come with her to help distract her from the pain. Audrey Woods...where have i heard that name? Just as i thought of that, my mind went racing with images of me and my childhood friend Audrey. I couldn't concentrate and the room was spinning. I sat down and put my hands over me ears and closed my eyes as hard as i could to try to stop it. But there was no end in sight for these images. Audrey Marie Woods. Audrey Marie Woods. That name kept repeating over in my mind. My stomach began to churn and i almost couldn't breathe. And then, as fast they arrived, the images were gone. I sat there in the chair next to Audrey as they closed her wound.

"Miss? Are you OK?" one of the doctors asked putting their hand on my shoulder.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just got a little dizzy all of a sudden but I'm better now." I said as he smiled and walked away. Audrey looked over at me and tried to sit up. "On no don't do that now!" I said reaching over to help her.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. You just look so familiar to me. Do i know you from somewhere? Like High School maybe? I haven't been in touch with anyone since i graduated." I laughed at her and she looked at me weirdly. "What? Did i say something funny?"

"Yes, sort of. You DO know me but not from high school. Middle school maybe. You remember Jessie right?" I sat making sure she was comfortable the way she was sitting.

"Yes, of course. We go way back. Shes been in a coma for awhile though. I have no clue how shes doing." She shook her head. "Ben was torn in two whenever he saw her. I eventually stopped going to see her because it was too much to take." She starred off into the corner as if remembering the visits she had made to me when i was at the hospital. "Did you know Jessie?" I smiled.

"I am Jessie."
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ugh...took me forever to write!!!