‹ Prequel: Does He Love Me?

Guess What He Loves Me

The New News

Audrey didn't know exactly what to say to that, she just starred at me with her mouth wide open. It kind of creeped me out a little. "Um, Audrey? Are you OK?"

"Ya...Oh my god i cant believe its you!" She grabbed my arm and pulled over on top of her and she squeezed all the air out of me. I tried to laugh but i couldn't breathe. "Ive missed you so much girl!"

"Ya, and...i...cant..BREATHE!" I managed to get out. She let go."Ive only been out a few days so you haven't missed much." I said adjusting my shirt and hair."My mom and Rachel are on their way here. Well by now i bet they are here and wondering where I'm at. So i had better go."

"No Jessie, stay! Please! I haven't seen you in forever. Where are you staying at?"

"Ben's house but i stop by my moms house a lot and she still lives in the same place."

"OK. I'll see ya around." I waved bye to Audrey and started walking back to the waiting room. What was up with whatever happened to me back there? I just like freaked out and couldn't think or anything. Maybe thats whats going on with me. Its almost like my body cant handle the fact that I'm awake and its been 4 whole years since Ive seen anyone. It sure didn't feel like 4 years though!

When i got to the waiting room, i saw Rachel and my mom waiting for me. "Jessie where have you been?" my mom asked as she got up and walked over to me with Rachel.

"You will never believe who i just ran into!"

"Who?" Rachel said looking behind me as if i was hiding that person back there. I laughed and turned away from her as if to go along with it.

"Audrey Woods."

"No! Really? How is she."

"Well, shes in the emergency room resting. I was waiting for you guys and then i heard screaming coming from one of the rooms and i saw that some guy had a knife and had stabbed some pregnant lady. That lady was Audrey and i helped her. The baby is OK and she is OK. She was so excited to see me."

"I bet! I mean you saw me when you showed up at my wedding. I leaped from my place next to Jake and ran as fast as i could towards you."

"Yeah that was a little creepy." We all walked up to the desk and asked when my appointment will be ready.

"Well Ms. Marie, the doctor should be with you shortly." Just as she said that a doctor came up to the desk. "Oh, well good timing doctor." He laughed.

"Jessie Maire is it?" He said holding his hand out towards me.

"Yes. And you are?"

"Doctor Jeremy Wellems. I will be taking care of you while we do tests on you. Just follow me ladies." We followed him to a room that had a rolling bed in it, a TV, 3 seats, a window, and then all the doctor stuff. It was nice. "OK Jessie I'm going to need you to go change into this dress for me."

"Oh you've got to be kidding me right?" I said taking the hospital dress i had always seen on TV.

"No, I'm sorry but you have to put it on. You can leave your underwear on." He was laughing but i looked pissed. I stormed into the bathroom and changed into the little dress. I actually looked pretty good in it. i pulled my hair up so it wouldn't get in the way. I walked out and Doctor Wellem smiled at me. He looked to be about 21 or like 23. He was pretty cute but thats it."OK Jessie. Sit up here on the bed and lets talk. Have you been feeling weird lately? Anything different going on?"

"Nothing really weird. Except when i saw an old friend of him, Audrey, today and i figured out who she was, i had all these images running threw my head of us together as kids. I couldn't even think or anything. Then they were gone and i was fine. I don't know what was wrong but it was weird." My mom and Rachel looked at me really weirdly and so did Doctor Wellem."What? Did i say something weird?" No one said anything for awhile.

"Well, Ive never really had to deal with this with anyone in awhile. Your body is not responding well with the new environment you're in. If this doesn't improve soon, we will have to take drastic measures."

"Like what kind of drastic measures are we talking about?" My mom said scooting to the end of her chair.

"Drastic like possibly taking her away to a special hospital in Florida that has people just like her. It would be easier for her to cope with this. Ive seen people with this problem but not as a result of coming out of a coma before. This is strange."

"Why would you take me away like that?"

"It would be best for you." he said putting one hand over mine that i had sitting in my lap. I pulled away and got up. I walked over to the window.

"What about my friends? My family? Ben? I'm getting married, what about my wedding?"

"Well when is your wedding?"


"Thats a couple months away Jessie. If you don't improve by then, then i-"

"No! I'm not going! I don't care if i don't get any better! I'm going to get married no matter what you people say!" I yelled. I began to cry and i ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I changed back as fast as i could and i ran out of the room. they all tried to follow me but i took a different way then the way we came in and lost them. I got in my car and drove my way back to Ben's house. I had to pee so i stopped at McDonald's and went there. After i was done i decided i needed some good ole food. All i got was a Big Mac though. After i got my food i walked out of McDonald's and began walking to my car.

When i reached my car, a guy in a red car pulled in next to me on the passenger said and got out. It was that same guy from this morning! That guy at the gas station! He looked over at me and smiled that same smile. I got in my car and locked the door and drove home as fast as i could. He wasn't following me but he was just plain creepy! And yet, he looked so familiar. He was a couple years older than me but still. Who was he?!
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he he he :)