

Time meant nothing. She was stuck in the box for God knows how long, hearing nothing of the outside world. All there was in her world was herself and the box. Her food, the box of crackers, was diminished. She knew she was going to die soon. After hours upon hours of useless screaming and thrashing, she decided that there was no hope. She decided to just rest up for the torture she had to endure in the Hell that awaited her.

She was losing it, going insane. She was hearing noises, scratching at the lid of the coffin or someone opening the lid of the vent. Sometimes she heard voices, the voices of the nine demons tormenting her final hours. Sometimes she saw lights at her feet. Two red glowing lights like the eyes of a demon preparing to swallow her alive.

Despite the cold mud that was creeping down her back she felt hot, unbearably hot. It must be the breath of the demon at her feet. It was opening its mouth. She pulled the sheet and blanket closer in futile defiance. "No," she breathed. "No...."

"How did you discover this?" It was a police officer, standing over the lid of the coffin looking down at it sadly.

"I was walking my dog," a man with curly dark brown hair and a big, dark brown beard covering his face said. "I was taking my usual route and my dog suddenly ran into this clearing."

He pointed at the cluster of pine trees. "When I got here there was a boy sitting there, crying. The boy didn't even notice me and my dog come up."

"How did he look?" The officer asked.

"Ive never seen him before but he was young, maybe ten or eleven."

"What was he doing there?"

"It looked like he was scolding himself, then he started scratching at the ground," the man shrugged. "I thought that was weird... if only I knew what he was trying to dig up."

"What did he do when he noticed you?" The police officer continued his questions.

"He ran, I must have startled him because he hit a pine tree on his way out."

"Did you pursue him?"

"No way!" The man laughed. "I would've never caught up to him! I'm not that old but I'm not that young!"

"What did you do then?"

"Well, my dog was digging something up, it looked like a utility box so I helped."

"That's when you found the body?"

"Yeah, I smelt something rotting and when I saw someones head through this cage thing I went and called you."

"Anything else worth mentioning?"

"Hm," the man rubbed his chin in thought. "No, that's pretty much everything.

"Thank you, Mr. Archer."

"You can call me Ben." The man told him. The officer smiled in reply as he took out a notepad and scribbled:

On June 9th of 1997, Purity Marie Knight was found dead, buried in a pine grove near her home.
♠ ♠ ♠
What a happy ending!!