Sequel: Feathers On My Breath

'Til the Need Seeps In


I smiled and shook hands with the socialites of New York City, making small chatter and seeing some of my designs being worn to this charity event. I wore a smart dark green sun dress with a pair of Mary Jane heels. It was simple and not too flashy, enough to say, 'yes, I am writing a check out to this charity' but not too much that says, 'I've got a million dollars hidden in my bra and I'm the richest' I was going for the modest look today. Some of the older socialites liked me better because I wasn't like the flashy new wives.

This rooftop charity event was rather chic, yet completely separated. The "posh" wives who normally bought only the best in the most obscure places, mostly hovered around the bar. They were the obnoxious housewives who gossip and spoil their toy dogs. The older "sophisticated" brand used to be like the new posh ones, but with age and experience, they have found nothing left to talk about and thus hover around the snack bars. I was normally alone, not liking gossip, yet not enjoying the wonders of knitting, I usually standing by somewhere scenic, taking in the New York City skyline and people who dared would approach me.

Before my shotgun wedding to Adam, I was a prominent corporate attorney and I always had something to say about the latest current events. I was no dumb bimbo like the rest and that intimidated many. I normally spoke to the head CEO's who were throwing these events and I was fine with that. I wouldn't want to invest too much money into something ridiculous. They always had to sell their product to me, or they get no check.

Most event tend to bore me, yet this investment was going somewhere good, so before the head of the event got up to make her speech, I slipped the check discreetly into her hand as she shook it. Smiling, I turned to take my leave. With hugs and double cheek kisses to all the other socialites, I made my way down the glorious elevator into the garage, where the paparazzi were waiting for me to show up.

I smiled for cameras and answered a few non-incriminating questions for the press. Adam and I were hot stories for the press right now. Since we were married so young and I have yet to get pregnant, people want to see if there is anything wrong with us. I flashed a toothy smile and ducked into my sleek black car. I pulled on my sunglasses and drove away slowly, leaving the press without any dirt to grip and pull.

When I walked into our penthouse, I greeted Cecilia and noticed a new perfume that she wore while she held a bunch of sheets.

"Ceci? Did you get a new perfume? It's strong"

Ceci shrugged her shoulders.

"Would you like to come shopping with me?"

"Absolutely Misses. What are we shopping for today?"

"Fabrics. I have some designs that I've been dying to get at and some deadlines"

Ceci nodded and grabbed her coat. It was old and ratty, I took this observation in and decided that she and her family needed new fall and winter jackets. I was going to be the one to make them and they would be the talk of their school.

"I think your kids should come over when they get out of school"

"Oh no, they need to get their homework done and I wouldn't want them to intrude"

"Intrude? Heavens no! I love your kids! They are so well mannered and I would love to have them over"

Ceci smiled warmly at me and we set off to the fabrics store. Ceci did me the favor of holding the fabrics that I would need and we were soon finished with our shopping. It was a bit of a dingy and cluttered store and Ceci made damn sure to keep an eye out on all the planes to avoid any confrontation. The price rung up on the happy owner's face and I paid, lugging half of the fabrics, Ceci the other half. When we got back to the apartment, Ceci's kids were waiting at the door.

"Hi kids! Are you hungry?" I asked.

"Good evening Misses Reeding!"

Her five kids smiled brightly at me and took the fabrics out of my hands as I fumbled with my keys.

"Have you been waiting for very long?" I asked.

They shook their heads and I opened the door. I told them to drop the fabrics right in my work corner. They started on their homework as Ceci made us all lunch. I sewed as they watched TV and played board games. Ceci made us all a great lunch and we all laughed and joked. They were like my own family and I loved them all like they were my own.

They sat quietly watching some show on some channel that I never tuned in to as I made jackets for everybody. They were small and I had done this before, so it wasn't hard. But I wanted a good color, and a good decorative stitch as well as a thin and good insulation that's stylish and warm. I worked on Ceci's last. I used a thick felt-like material and made her a long pea coat in her favorite burgundy color. I gave her a warm wool inner lining and smooth satin pocket linings as well as shiny silver buttons. When I was finished, it was well into the night and after dinner.

Just as Ceci was about to leave, I took all of their jackets and emptied the pockets onto the front table. I put the old jackets into a bag and gave each of the children a new jacket.

"Gee thanks Misses Redding! These are awesome!" The middle child, Angie cried, pulling her new jacket over her arms.

"Wow, they're so warm!" Jake said, pulling the coat tighter around his body.

Ceci smiled and thanked me, hugging me firmly.

"I'll just have to work for you all the harder"

I smiled and as she pulled away, I produced the pea coat for her.

"It's your favorite color too," I said, smiling.

At first, she tried to deny it, but I forced it onto her and she graciously accepted, making me as happy as could be.

They braced for the cold night and I offered them a ride. They lived far and if I didn't hold them up, they'd have been home hours ago. As I drove, Ceci and I chatted animatedly about nothing and everything. She thanked me over and over as I went through all the other things I could make for her children. They slept soundly in the back of the mini-van that I normally used to carry my model forms here and there.

Ceci gave me a hug as the children muttered tired goodbyes and thank yous. I smiled cheerily in return and drove home. They lived in the lower east side of Manhattan and I made sure to lock my doors and shut all the windows. Stopping at the lights made me feel uneasy, especially when the large unfamiliar faces stared at me from alleys and street corners. At moments like there, I wished stop lights didn't exist and that I could just speed straight home, but I wasn't so lucky. There was a close call when after a minute of deliberating, one of the large boys stepped out from the shadows and approached my car, just as he was to make it to my window, the light turned green and I sped away, sighing in relief.

When I got home, that perfume like smell was thick in the air again. I shook it off and tidied up my work corner. I sketched a cocktail dress which I would most likely be wearing at our next event and heard the water running in the bathroom. I yawned and shut the light off, wondering why he would take a shower twice today if he didn't even go out. Too tired to think to far into this, I stumbled into our bedroom and saw that Ceci had changed the sheets and covers today. I changed and collapsed into bed. The faint smell of perfume from outside burned my nostrils, Ceci must have been wearing too much.