Sequel: Feathers On My Breath

'Til the Need Seeps In


I walked into my empty and clean apartment, I dropped my bags on the floor and walked into the master bedroom. Everything that was Adam's was gone. The wedding pictures were taken down and no trace of him. I checked the closet, nothing but my clothes. Ceci had even put my original dresses on his side of the closet so that I had more room. I walked into the bathroom and found only my shampoos and new make-up and perfumes.

I noticed that I had thrice the amount of perfumes and make-ups. I rolled my eyes, knowing that Mike had stocked me up. I sighed and sat on the couch, being careful with my arm. It was a bit too dark and I decided to pull the curtains back. The whole apartment lit up and I was happy.

The paparazzi were outside the hospital and waiting for me. I didn't feel much like answering their questions, so I smiled gratefully and took off in a cab. They didn't follow and I was glad that I could just go home and relax. And that's just what I did. A few phone calls and everything was set. I had our court date set, and I was fairly certain that he would settle instead of argue. He just didn't want publicity and neither did I. Since there was nothing else to do, I turned the TV on, nothing was really on, save for the celebrity scandal shows. I settled on watching some cartoons and found that my life was incredibly boring.

My eyes started to droop and I nodded off, the sound of cartoons faintly slipping away.

I awoke to a harsh knocking at my door. I checked the clock and found that I had slept most of the day away. The city lights shone brightly and sparkled against the dark night sky. I turned my lights on and went to go open the door. When I looked out of the peephole, I found a small woman there. Her black horn rimmed glasses and savvy gray business suit made her look nothing short of any stuck up office working woman.

I locked the chain in place and cracked the door open.

"Hello! Misses soon to be Miss Holly Wells?"

"Uh, yes"

"Hello! I'm Celeste! May I come in?"

"Uhm, I would love to, but my apartment is kind of a mess. And I really can't talk right now. I'm very tired, so perhaps you can come back in the morning and I can buy whatever your selling," I said, closing the door on her.

I turned around and she sat on my couch, sipping on tea that I had never made.

"Uh, excuse me?" I asked.

"You may want to take a seat"

"How did you?"

"My name is Celeste Ultio. Do you know Latin?"

I shook my head as she poured me a cup of tea.

"Well, Celeste means, of the sky and Ultio means revenge. I am the goddess of revenge"

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Well you see, I'm in love with a mortal. Since he can't be a god, I can always be mortal. But I need somebody to replace me"

"Excuse me? Oh gracious, I must be dreaming"

"I assure you, this is no trick of your imagination. I need a replacement and I found you. You qualify perfectly for this position"

"I'm just going to go to bed. And when I wake up again, this will all have disappeared"

I walked into my bedroom and laid onto the soft bed.

"This is no time to dawdle! We haven't got much time. Either you accept this offer or you don't. Until you decide, I'll be around to make sure bad things happen"

I rammed my face further into the pillows, willing my insane hallucination away. I heard her sigh and felt a puff of air, when I looked up and around my room, she was gone. I sighed and played it off as my imagination, falling asleep once again.

The phone woke me from my sleeping and I rubbed my eyes, sitting up. I grabbed the phone off my night stand and put it to my ear.


"Miss Wells?"

"Who is this?"

"This is Mister Reeding's lawyer, and we're suing you for everything you've got"

"On what grounds?!" I shrieked, angry.

"Domestic negligence"

"That's not even real," I cried.

"Tell it to the judge"

He hung up and I plopped back into my pillows.

"FUCK!" I screamed, after a few minutes to let everything seep in.

A small knock came at my door.

"Miss? Is everything alright?"


"Yes?" she asked, opening the door.

"Can you come sit with me?"

She nodded and walked over. I patted the mattress and she took a seat.

"Ceci, did I ever neglect Adam?"

"Neglect? Like not feeding him or something?"

"I guess. Domestic negligence apparently"

"Well, he's a grown man! He can feed himself if he's hungry. I've never seen you forget about him and not ask him to have dinner"

"Exactly. So what grounds could be possibly be suing on?"

"I'll testify against him. Don't you worry Miss. Remember, he beat you up"

"Thanks Ceci"

"Would you like breakfast in bed?"

"Well, I need to shower and everything, so I'll just get up"

"Are you sure? Bathing could take a while. Your leg"

I had actually forgotten the slight throbbing pain in my leg. I nodded.

"I'll be fine, I'll just leave my leg out of the shower"

"Well, alright. I'll go get started"

"Thank you"

I waddled into the bathroom and turned the shower on.

"Suing me? Where does he come off?"

As I rubbed my scalp, I had a strange thought.

"Until you decide, I'll be around to make sure bad things happen"