Status: Very, very long hiatus.

She Was Something Special

Starving for You Here

I was on floor with my back leaning against the couch, blankly staring at the TV. Everyone was somehow in the front part of the bus.

Sisky gave up on me? Probably my worst nightmare ever. I could still talk to him, but it hurts to know that when he talks to me, he doesn’t want me to be his again. Just a friend-to-friend talk.

“Al?” Gabe said, snapping me out of my thought. I looked at him. “You okay? You’re zoning out for the fifth time today.”

I shook my head. “I’m fine.”

He gave me a look.

“Really, I’m fine!” I giggled and he crashed his lips into mine.

I kissed back, running my hand through his hair with my other hand was wrapped around his neck. His hands were placed on my waist. A moment later, I was on the floor with him on top of me. He broke the kiss for a while to took his t-shirt off, and went back to my lips. I placed my hands on his bare back while his hand was zipping down my hoodie and his hand went inside my shirt, making me gasp.

We heard the door slammed open, causing Gabe to roll over spontaneously.

“…Am I missing something here?” Carden asked.

“Just making out,” I grinned, sitting up straight.

“And Gabe doesn’t use his t-shirt?”

“It’s a little bit hot in here,” Gabe replied, sitting next to me.

“…Okay?” Carden said, staring at me that was wearing a hoodie.

“So what brings you here, Carden?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Got bored in the bus,” he answered before sitting on the couch. “What were you guys doing before making out?”

“Watching some random and boring TV shows,” Gabe answered.

“Yeah,” I replied, even though I didn’t exactly watch it.

I went out from Starbucks, a cup of coffee in my hand. I didn’t really like Starbucks, but it was the only coffee shop around and I needed coffee so bad. My sidekick rang in my bag and I shoved my hand to grab it. Not bothering to see who was calling, I immediately answered it.

“Yo,” I said before sipping my coffee as I walked on the sidewalk.

“Heard you’re going to Starbucks!” Vicky chirped, “Buy me a coffee!”

“Sorry babe, I just got out.”

“Oh, okay,” she sounded disappointed, “Well, gotta hang up. Bye!

I heard dial tone in the other line, so I shoved back my sidekick to my bag and that was when I walked into someone. I looked up, only to see Sisky.

“Sorry,” I said.

“It’s okay. It’s amazing that your coffee don’t spill though,” he laughed and I looked at the cup. He was right, the coffee didn’t spill. Not a bit. “Are gonna stay like this or…?”

I realized we didn’t move and people were staring at us, so I took a step backward.

“Can I have some?” he said, motioning at the cup that I was holding as we walked together.

“Yeah, sure,” I said, handing him my coffee. I watched as he sipped my coffee and wouldn’t stop. “Stop it!” I laughed, taking the cup away from him.

“Noo!” he shouted, trying to take it back. Sadly, he could reach it. Damn his long hands. He was attempting to sip the coffee as I pulled back the cup, and I realized the cup was lighter than before.

“You drank a lot of my coffee! No more coffee for you, especially mine!” I demanded before sipping it finish and tossed it into the trash bin.

We continued walking in silence.

“Do you want to say something or are you just gonna stay in silence. I hate silence,” I said.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Explaining how pretty I am is fine,” I joked, grinning.

“Okay. You’re so pretty that you’re driving me insane,” he continued, “When you looked me with those brown eyes, my heart beats so fast that it would explode. Your pink hair looks so soft and I want to run my fingers through it all the time. You seem so strong yet so fragile; making me want to hold you all the time.”

I looked at him, speechless. I was just joking and I never thought that he would respond to what I said.

“Umm, wow…” I said.

“Yeah I’m actually still crazy about you,” he chuckled, staring at his shoes with his hands inside his pocket. He always did that whenever he was nervous. “If you want me to stop drooling over you it’s fine, just say it okay?”

I shook my head. “Just continue drooling over me, ‘cos I’m still crazy about you too.”

And I kissed him on the lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter title taken from breathe by paramore.

ZOMG THEY KISSED! i know you're happy about this, right? *wink wink*

gasp, i'm uber tired. gotta grab some sleep now <3

one-hundred four readers.
twenty subscribers and comments.
comments make me even happier :'D