Status: Very, very long hiatus.

She Was Something Special

Coming Home

I stood up in front of the familiar house, staring at it. I missed this place, so much.

“Let’s get inside, Al,” William said and went inside.

I gulped as me and my band mates followed him, our suitcases in hands. William’s band mates were gone to their own homes.

“Mom! Dad!” William shouted after he opened the door.

A woman came out from the living room, followed by her husband.

“William!” she said excitedly and hugged my brother. “I miss you, son,” she pecked his cheek.

Dad’s eyes darted off from Mom and William, to me. His expression changed. I smiled at him, didn’t know what to do. I felt awkward because I haven’t seen them fora while 2 years.

“I hope you still remember about your daughter, Mom, Dad,” William said when he released the hug with Mom.

“Alanna?” Dad choked out.

“Hi Dad. Hi Mom.”

Mom went closer to me before releasing a huge smile and hugged me tightly.

“I miss you so much, sweetie,” she said. “Why don’t you tell us you’re coming over?”

I laughed. “We want it to be a surprise.”

We released the hug and Mom spotted the 3 guys behind me.

“Ah, these must be your band mates,” she smiled kindly at the trio. Dad gave me a hug and went to the kitchen with William.

“Yeah,” Jason spoke. He somehow sounded more mature than he usually was; he was super hyper and childish. Good thing that he knew how to act in front of parents. “I’m Jason, that is Archie, and that rebel-look-like is Scott.”

“Nice meeting you boys,” Mom smiled. “Come in, come in! There is a guest bedroom upstairs, and if it’s not enough, one of you can sleep in William’s room. I’m sure he doesn’t mind.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Beckett,” Archie thanked before they went upstairs.

“I hope my room is not for rent, Mom,” I joked.

“Of course not!” she smiled, “Go put your suitcase there. A month tour is pretty tiring, right?”

I smiled thankfully at her and went upstairs, to my bedroom. I opened the door and nothing changed. Everything stayed the same like when I left it. The soft orange walls, the light green curtains… Only it was emptier than before. My things were in Milwaukee.

I laid my suitcase on my bed before walking over to the window and took a look outside. Chicago hadn’t really changed…

There was a soft knock on the door and I turned around, seeing Archie was there.

“This is our first time to be in your house,” he said, smiling.

“I know,” I said, “This is my first time too after 2 years.”

“Your room is pretty nice,” he said, scanning my room. “Nicer than the one in Milwaukee.”

“Nothing interesting is here. I left my things in Milwaukee, yeah?”

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything in here,” Mom showed up behind Archie, smiling.

“Oh, of course not,” I said.

“Archie, can you leave us alone for a while, please?” Mom asked.

“Sure, Mrs. Beckett,” he answered and went down the hall.

Mom went inside my room after closing the door. “I miss you so much darling. How’s Milwaukee?”

I shrugged. “It’s great. It has lesser drama than here,” I grinned.

“It’s good to know that… or not.”

I noticed the change of her expression and the tone of her voice. “What’s wrong, Mom?”

“You see, honey, your dad and I missed you a lot. You do call us every day or once a week, as you promised, but it wasn’t enough. We knew we’re selfish, but sweetie… do you want to go back living in here again?”
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter title taken from homecoming by hey monday.

i'm sleepy and dont know what to say. bleh.

one-hundred thirty-two readers.
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four stars, baby.
thanks-a-ton! :D