Status: Very, very long hiatus.

She Was Something Special

Too Far to Turning Back

I stared blankly into my food and didn’t realize that I was stabbing it when Mom called my name. I blinked before turning at her. Everyone had their attention on me. “Yeah?”

“Mom said don’t play with your lunch, Al,” William said from across me.

“O—Oh. I don’t realize I was doing it. Sorry,” I muttered before I continued eating my lunch.

What happened yesterday flashed back across my mind. Mom gave me time to think – 2 weeks. I didn’t mind staying here, but I can’t just leave my band in Milwaukee. It would be hard for us if I lived here and they were in there. Too far, you know. Too far.

Let’s list the 3 reasons why I should go back:
1. Mom and Dad,
2. Old friends,
3. Melissa.

And no, Sisky and William weren’t in the list. We still can see each other when we were touring together. Wait, I wasn’t sure about tour thing… so:
1. Mom and Dad,
2.Old friends, Sisky and William and the rest of TAI,
3. Melissa.

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. “Melissa is in the fucking list?!” I know, but I must talk to her… you know, about Sisky and stuff…

And the 3 reasons why I should stay in Milwaukee:
1. Youth Warriors,
2. –
3. –

Honestly, I don’t really know the reasons why I should stay in Milwaukee. I mean, I dropped out of school for my career, I didn’t have that many of friends like I had in Chicago, my family lived in Chicago as well as my boyfriend – wait, boyfriend? Was Sisky even my boyfriend? Sure, we finally told we loved each other, but he never asked me to be his girlfriend.

We weren’t officially dating, then. Damn.

I kept thinking about several of things when Jason snapped his fingers in front of my face.

“Stop zoning out, Al,” he said, “It’s starting to scare us.”

“Sorry,” I apologized. “I was just… thinking.”

“Oh?” Dad said, raising his eyebrows in interest. “What are you thinking about?”

“Well… lots of things,” I answered, unsure.

The boys noticed that I wasn’t comfortable talking about it, so Archie changed the topic.

“So, Mrs. Beckett,” he said, “I can tell you cook really good—“

“Of course, you’re eating the foods that she cooked,” William interrupted.

Archie stopped for a while, thinking. “Yeah – I mean, these foods taste really good and would you teach me to cook, if you don’t mind? I’m secretly interested with cooking.”

“Oh, sure!” Mom said excitedly. “Why are you keeping the fact that you’re interested with it?”

“He thought cooking wasn’t cool for guys,” I replied.

“Psh, nonsense,” Mom said, “I couldn’t cook at the first time, but thanks to my husband, I finally can cook. He taught me the basics.”

“Whaaa?” William and I said in unison, “You never told me that.”

“I do now,” Mom smiled.

“I remember your Mom almost burnt the kitchen a year before William’s birth,” Dad chuckled, remembering at the memory he and Mom had.

“Mom!” I said, “You were even worse than Jason!”

“Hey!” Jason shouted.

“You had cookie dough everywhere when you were making cookies in my kitchen!” I pointed out. “You broke my toaster by sticking a fork in to it, you Mikey Way follower! My microwave almost exploded because you heated lasagna with its place – its place was aluminum!”

By now, everyone was holding their laughter and Jason had his face red because of embarrassment. What I said was true though – the cookies, the toaster, the microwave…

“It’s not like I did it on purpose!” he defended himself.

“Accidents weren’t made by purpose,” I smirked and he groaned.

“Well – Well –“


“I – I –“


We heard the front door opened and footsteps walked inside the house.

“Mr. and Mrs. Beckett?” a girl’s voice asked, searching for my parents.

“In here, darling!” Mom replied.

The girl’s voice became closer. “Oh I’m so sorry I was late for the lunch—“

She stopped when she looked at me. My mouth hung open in shock, didn’t believe of who was just came in. She didn’t ring the doorbell and immediately went inside instead, which meant that Mom and Dad were fine with that. I glanced at William and he seemed also surprised by the guest. He didn’t see it coming, either.

And by the way, the guest was my oh-so-called-best-friend, Melissa.
♠ ♠ ♠
let there be a cat fight.

chapter title taken from rumored nights by TAI.

omg rihanna is going to have a concert here on friday next week. i want to see it so bad, but the tickets are so expensive. damn.

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four stars.