Status: Very, very long hiatus.

She Was Something Special

Hot Stuff


It’s been three days since Addiction tour started. TAI shared the same bus with Cobra Starship and Youth Warriors was sharing the bus with The Friday Night Boys – I know we arrived with a van but it was just a transportation to meet the guys.

“Hi Alanna,” Andrew from FNB said.

“Hey,” I replied as he sat next to me. We were sitting on the pavement that night. I loved sitting on cold pavement during the night.

“What’s that?” he asked, pointing at my notebook on my lap.

“It’s kind of a journal. I usually write my life in the journal and turn them into a song later on.”

“Can I see?”

“What, the journal?” He nodded. “Nuh-uh. You’ll know about the stories when you listen to our songs.”

“But I’m curious!”

“Curious, that is,” I laughed and he looked at my eyes. “What?”

“Nothing. I just really like your eyes. They shine in the dark.”

I giggled, “So my eyes are the same type of the glow-in-the-dark stickers?”

“Kind of, but yours shine.”

“Are you flirting with me?”

“No, I’m just giving you a compliment.”

“Good, ‘cause I’m not interested to date anyone at the moment,” I said, standing up. “Night Andrew.”

Sharing the same bus with FNB had been great. Glad we didn’t share a bus with TAI because I wouldn’t be feeling really comfortable around Sisky and I just needed to stay away from William’s keep-on-talking mouth.

Speaking about William, here came my lovely brother.

“Hello, brother,” I smiled.

“Alanna! OhImissyousomuchwhyyouhaven’tcalledme? Youknowmom’ssoworriedaboutyouandyou’renot—“ He’s been saying the same things to me for quite a few times now, and now he was talking in full speed.

“Okay, stop!” I said. “You’re talking too fast! Did you eat Skittles?”


“Speak slowly.”

“I ate a pack of gummi bears earlier,” he repeated, slower.

“I know that’s not it.”

“Oh! I remembered Chizzy gave me redbulls!”

What’s up with Chizzy giving foods and drinks to people?

I just stared at William and he stared back. We stayed like that until someone tapped my shoulder, causing me to jump a little. I turned around and saw Jason was behind me with his goofy grin.


“SOUNDCHECK!” he shouted and sped off to the venue. William and I held our own ears; Jason’s voice was too loud. People were hyper today.

“I guess I gotta go,” I said to William, hugging him. “Talk to you later.” I let him go, but he didn’t. “William I have soundcheck!”

“No, my baby sister cannot go away from me.”

I sighed. “I’m not a baby anymore. Turning 19 soon.”

“Oh! Right,” he said, finally letting me go. “Bye.”

I left him and went inside the venue for soundcheck. It was done in half an hour later, and I was now really thirsty from all the singing and such.

“Hey,” Alex Suarez said as I chugged the whole water down. “Damn, Al. You finished the whole bottle in like around 2 minutes!”

“Well I’m really thirsty and my throat needs some water.”

“So, umm, I heard that you’re Bill’s sister.”

“Yeah and having lead singer position in a band runs in the family… kinda.”

“You guys don’t look alike.”

“I’m actually adopted.” I stopped, staring at his face. It made me laugh. His eyes were a little bit bigger than they usually were and his mouth was curved into a small smile. Like, smiling-shocked-face. “No I’m just joking. We’re really siblings.”

He nodded; the expression hadn’t left from his face. He blinked a few times and continued, “Are you taken?” This time the expression had left.

I groaned. “What’s up with guys flirting with me?”

“I’m not flirting, I’m just asking.”

“Why do you care?”

“I’m not the one who cares. My friend thinks you’re attractive.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Who?”

He motioned his head towards Gabe. Gabe Saporta thinks I’m attractive? What on earth?

I stared at Gabe that was talking to Scott. I think he felt that someone was staring because then he looked at Alex and me and winked at me. I smiled at him. Hey, it was a reflex respond!
♠ ♠ ♠
i do that smiling-shocked-face a lot.

chapter four is gonna be pretty much amazing.
i think.

chapter title taken from ashlee simpson.

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one subscriber.
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