Status: Very, very long hiatus.

She Was Something Special

No One Could Hold Me Down

“And then she showed up in my house,” I told Sisky. We were in his living room, sitting on the floor with our backs leaning against the sofa.

“Is it a good thing or bad thing?”

I shrugged. “Not really good for me, actually. Mom or Bill never told me that Mom had been hanging out with her since I left. She still thinks that Melissa and I are still best friends.” That thought made me shuddered. Sisky already knew about my problem with her.

“Did you jump on her like an animal and scratch her face when you saw her?” he grinned.

“Yeah. She’s now in the hospital, actually,” I said sarcastically as I rolled my eyes.



“Am I that sexy until she wanted me so bad?”

I snorted in laughter. “No,” I giggled and he stuck his lower lip out. I kissed the tip of his nose. “You’re not sexy, but you’re really adorable.”

“You’re really adorable yourself,” he said before kissing me lightly.



“What am I to you, actually?”

He pulled away, looking deeply into my eyes. “The love of my life and my girlfriend, duh. And no thoughts like ‘Bill’s sister’, or ‘label mate’. Nope.”

“Girlfriend?” I raised an eyebrow. “You never asked me to be your girlfriend.”

“Oh, well, I’m sorry…” He said and stood up. “Wait here.” He dashed off to the kitchen and returned a few moments later. He sat back next to me, holding out a daisy. “Couldn’t find any roses,” he grinned, which made me smiled in return. This guy is just so adorable. “Alanna Laralie Beckett, would you be my girlfriend?”

I took the daisy and kissed his cheek. “Of course,” I whispered next to his ear. He turned his head to me so his lips met mine. The lovely kiss turned out into a make-out session, and no it didn’t turn out into a heated night.

I was in my bedroom, reading a magazine on the bed when the door creaked open. I looked up to the door and Melissa walked in.

“I hope I’m not disturbing you…”

I shrugged. “How’s your child?” I asked, emotionless.

“Um… She’s fine.”

“Oh, it’s a girl? Does she look like her mom or her dad?”

“Basically both…”

“She must be really pretty, then. When can I see her?”

“Um… she’s…” She couldn’t find a word to say.

“You, know, Melissa,” I sighed, standing up to face her. “You don’t need to lie if you want Sisky so bad. You can just tell me you do.” I chuckled, “But that doesn’t mean that I would let you be with him.”

She was about to say something but I cut her off, “I hate you.”

“Come on, Alanna. It’s the past! Can we not to fight about this?”

“How?! You fucking lied to me and me being a really naïve girl believed you! How could you lie to me? I trusted you so much and you know I easily believed at somebody and you tricked me!”

“I can explain—“

“Explain what?! That you never meant to lie to me? Bullshit!” Her green eyes looked away from my eyes. Ugh, I wanted to rip her fake platinum blonde hair off her head so bad. I took a step forward. “You better leave me, my family, my friends, and my boyfriend alone.”

FTSK’s I Don’t Know About You, But I Came Here to Dance was heard from my sidekick on the bed. I took it and answered the call.

“I need your help!” Sisky screamed in the other line.

“On what?” I giggled.

“Just go to my house! I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!” he said and hung up.

I stared at my sidekick before going back to Melissa again. “And when I got here, I better not to see your face. Even better if I don’t see your face in a million ranges of years.” I grabbed my hoodie on the chair and left to Sisky’s house.
♠ ♠ ♠
chapter title taken from holiday by boys like girls.

sorry for the lack of update, but i have been trying to update! writer's block is not so good ;(

semester exam next week! OH NOOOO!

there are so many newly couples in my school. makes me so jealous. yesh.

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thirty-one subscribers.
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EEEEK <333