Drama Provider


"We will not ever be 18 again..." The lyrics coming from my radio filled the room. I stopped typing and looked up at the radio which was sitting on the top shelf of my bookshelf. I wanted to stand up and turn it off but I couldn’t bring myself to get up from my desk. The song brought back too many memories. Some painful, but some too sweet to forget. One not so sweet one in particular.

"Look, I can't... the band just got signed and it just seems we're not us anymore. We practically fight all the time. I can't take you crying, it hurts me too!" Caleb pulled away from me and stood up, heading for the door.
“Caleb. Please.” I was crying now. I couldn’t help it. He couldn’t leave.

"I know you want everything to be the same. But we'll never be 18 again Annabelle." He whispered softly, his eyes seemingly on the verge of tears. "We need to move on. I don’t know what I can do anymore, I can't do this. Bye Wendy." Low blow. Caleb is the only one ever to call me that. You see that’s my middle name and my favorite movie of all time is Peter Pan. He's my Peter Pan. Or was.

And he left, just like that.

"Hey, Bell. We need you in for a meeting." Someone said from the door of my office, making me jump. It was Tyler, my co-worker.

I sighed and closed my lap top before walking out of the room and into my boss’s office where both Tyler and my boss were waiting. I closed the door softly behind me and took my seat in the chair besides Tyler, facing Mr. Anderson’s desk.

Tyler was higher ranked than me but he was still an idiot. He was a nice guy and a great writer but he thought so highly of himself it was almost embarrassing. He grinned over at me before turning back to the boss.

"Ah, Annabelle. You’re here. I have some news that you might like." He smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"Yes?" I asked excitedly. The only thing I could think of at the moment that I might like is a raise. I had asked Mr. Anderson about it a couple of days ago but I thought he had blown me off. The only thing is, I don’t know why Tyler would be here if he was thinking about raising my salary.

"Well, we have a band for you to interview." He stated simply, his eyes trailing along the paper in front of his on his desk in concentration. "And I think I’ve heard that you liked them."

I couldn’t help but be a little bit disappointed that it wasn’t a raise but it wasn’t all bad. I’ve interviewed bands before but none that I was ever really interested in. Most of the bands I was assigned to were local unsigned bands that were still trying to get noticed in the music industry. If I have actually heard of the band…that probably means they’re actually a little bit famous.

“Which band?” I asked, trying to sound detached.

"I believe it’s long a long name. Forever Last or something." Mr. Anderson mumbled, flipping through his papers. “I had it written down here somewhere. They’re a well known band. My daughter is obsessed with them. I just can’t remember the name…” He continued shuffling.

I raised my eyebrows. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that band.

"No, no. It’s Forever the Sickest Kids." Tyler laughed briefly at the boss’s mistake. “But you were close. With the first word.”

I think that my mouth just dropped to the floor.

"Ah yes, Forever the Sickest Kids." Mr. Anderson said sounding it out. And then he laughed. “Don’t tell my daughter I got that wrong. She’d be pretty angry. They’re all she ever talks about."

“No problem sir.” Tyler laughed along with him before turning to face my bewildered expression. “Ha ha. I knew you’d be surprised. So, we set this thing up for tomorrow. You, me, the coffee house. Cool?”

“Um…actually…” I started to disagree but Mr. Anderson cut me off.

“The whole band couldn’t make it so it will just be…” He glanced down at his paper again. “Caleb Turman and Kyle Burns. The only things I would like from you guys is to make sure you keep it professional. I know you like the band Annabelle, but make sure they take you seriously. You are representing this company.”

I could only manage to nod.

"Great.” Tyler nodded and left the room.

“Yeah. Real great.” I smiled briefly and walked out of his office. Just like the FTSK boys walked out of my life. And now they were back.
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heres my new story hope you like it.
ps- im not getting much feed back for my alex story so im thinking of deleting it. but only if you guys dont care. but if you like it and wish me to keep going then comment me or something.