Drama Provider

Not getting anywhere.

Calebs POV.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. Again. Another text from Kyle or one of the guys I suppose. I’ve been wandering the streets for probably around half an hour, maybe forty five minutes. From the time I left the coffee shop until now I’ve gotten nineteen texts and two missed calls. All from the guys. I answered Kyle once, just letting him know that I’m fine and that I’d be back soon. I just had to clear my head.

After about five more minutes of my pacing aimlessly up and down the sidewalk in from of a Laundromat I decided to head back to the hotel. Hopefully Annabell was still there.
I arrived back at the hotel around ten minutes later and rode the elevator up to the third floor where our rooms were. Where everyone is. Where the drama is. But there was no one to blame for that but myself. If I hadn’t walked out maybe right now Annabell and I would have made up. Maybe I could make her understand. But for all I know, she could have left right after me, with no intention of ever coming back.

The elevator doors opened and I started down the hall towards our rooms when I heard a quiet gasp from behind me. Aw crap, a fan. I thought this place was fan free. That’s what the manager said at least.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my fans. But not when I’m so close to home and on break time ready to relax. I turned, a polite excuse to leave already forming itself in my head.

"Kitty!" What? I'm no kitty. But then again that voice sounded familiar, and there’s only one person I know who calls me kitty. I turned all the way around only to be practically tackled to the ground. If only the tackler was a bit bigger.

"Kitty!" Lucy shouted again as she ran up and hugged my legs. Laughing, I ran my hands through her hair while looking around for any sign of Annabell or they’re parents.

"Hey, Luce, where's sissy?" I asked bending down to her three year old level. She put her pointer finger up to her chin, tapping it slightly as if thinking it over. It was very adorable.

"Counting with Uncle Ky-ky and everybody." She giggled rocking on the balls of her feet. I smirked on the inside.

"So you ran off to hide?" I asked with raised eyebrows.

She giggled again. "Yup!"
Just then I heard a door slam open from somewhere down the hall.

"Lucy!" Annabell called frantically, Kyle and the rest of FTSK stampeding out of the hotel room doorway. She stopped short though, upon seeing me with her little sister.

There was a collective sigh of relief. Then Annabell made her way to us with the guys following.

"You had me worried sick! You know you’re not supposed to leave like you did. You’re lucky Caleb was here to see you. Something could have happened." She said in that instinctive motherly tone.

"I'm sorry, I forgot." Lucy said lip trembling and eyes tearing, thinking she’s in trouble.
Annabell sighed again, her eyes softer than before. "It’s ok sweets, but listen to me next time." She then turned to me. "Thanks, I uh, owe you I guess. I mean I-"

"Hey, it’s ok. I love her too, I know." I smiled warmly.

"Ok, how ‘bout we take this inside, shall we?" Kyle asked, ushering everyone back into the hotel suite.


"Oh my god!" Annabell screamed at me, her eyes flashing in rage. Right when the yelling started the guys took Lucy into a different room.

"I don’t even know what I did!" Lie.

She laughed bitterly. "Oh yeah. Well let me tell you."

"Fine, tell me!" Yeah, I don’t know why I didn’t stop shouting. The whole hotel probably had their ears against the walls.

"You left without saying goodbye!" Annabell screamed, tears pouring down her cheeks. "You left me.” She got up, sent one last glare my way and slammed the door leaving me alone in the empty hotel room.

I think I just made a mistake.
♠ ♠ ♠
=] at least 3 or more comments please. Sorry its so short, but I dont know thats just how I invisioned it. I'll try and get more out soon.