Drama Provider


"Anna, are you mad at kitty?" Lucy asked, struggling to climb up the side of my queen sized bed.

"Yes.” I paused. “No." I turned to look at her. "That's kind of a hard question to answer right now Luce."

"No it's not. You love him." She said clapping her hands. Smart kid.

"You're smart. You know that cutie?" I questioned.

She giggled cutely. "Yeah!" She climbed down from the bed, just after finally getting on it, and walked over to the door. "Kiss and make up!" She screeched.

I stared at the closed door with wide eyes. Now what? It’s not that simple. For a few reasons. One, he doesn't feel the same way. Two, he's mad. Three, he left me. Four, he's a guy and he’s stubborn. But then again, so am I. That's probably why we're in this fight. Okay, I'm going to make this right and call him.

Just as I was reaching for my black berry pearl, it started to ring.

"Hello?" I asked, flipping through a random AP magazine. This is who I want to write for. Not some column for some snot nosed boss.

"Hey bestie! You okay?" Kyle asked in concern. I smiled to myself.

"Yeah, I'm good. But I think I owe someone an apology. And I need your help with getting everyone together." I said, an idea forming in my head.

"Sure. Why, what are you going to do?" He asked excitedly.

"I'm not really sure. I'm just going to wing it. But don't worry. Things are going to get better." I smiled. “Trust me.”

"Okay...So when does this plan of yours going into action?" Kyle asked.

"Well, spread the word, but not to Caleb. We'll get together tonight at the park." I told him. "Just tell Caleb about hanging out and I'll take it from there." I added.

"Okay, will do. I'll talk to you later then." He said.

"Bye." And I got my mind together.

The rest of the day I just sat around thinking. Tonight. I nodded.
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Ok thank you all for commenting. And i want you to keep commenting. And i will also have 2 chapters of John story out by christmas.