Drama Provider


"So what do we do first?" I asked. Caleb and I were lounging around on FTSK bus in eachothers arms. I was so excited since this would be my first tour. And its not just any tour, it's warped tour.

"I don't know, but babe, we'll have to do something pretty soon if you don't stop moving around so much." Caleb said seriously.

"I stoped. " Perve." I mummbled.

I felt Caleb tighten his arms around me and place a kiss on my head. I loved moments like this, when its just me and him, and no stress. We just reached our first venue:Long Beach Island, New Jersey. Thje guys went to find snacks, beacause they just couldn't think a head of time. Lucky for me, I have my own cabinate, my own snacks.

"Don't forget the pringles!" Caleb yelled in my ear. I winced from the ringing.

"Sorry baby." He kissed my head again. I smiled forgiving him.

"So, what to do?" I asked.

"Nothing, I'm tired." He said dramatically throwing his arm over his face.

"Ugh, well I'm going to do something."I stated distangleing myself from him.

"Bye lover!" I laughed.

I walked off into the bus and into the sweltering heat. I decided to check out the merch table where I'll be spending most of my time.

I just reached the table when something, or rather someone, knocked into me. Supressing a groan, I leaned up on my elbows, peering throuh wayward hair at the girl infront of me. Black hair, blue eyes, and curvy. Not bad, but she looks out of place.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." She explained.

"It's fine, neither was I." I smiled standing back up.

"I'm Jenna. I'm selling merch for The Maine." Jenna explained.

"I'm Annabell, but calling me Anna is fine." I laughed. "I'll be selling merch for FTSK, right over here actually." I pointed right next to us.

"Oh really how'd you come to get it?" I thought that was a strange question to ask but i ignored it.

"Uhm, well - "

"Hey baby." I looked over to see Caleb walking over, grinning.

"Hey. Jenna this is my boyfriend Caleb, also known as Caleb Turman, from Forever the Sickest Kids."

"Hi." They both said laughing lightly.

I explained how she was working The Maine's merch table.

"Sweet. So, babe, wanna go out for some late lunch?" Caleb pulled me close.

"I'd like that. Uhm, Jenna, I'll see ya around?" I asked before we walked our seperate ways.

"Of course." She smiled." Bye Caleb nice meeting you."

"Same. Bye."

"So, how do you like Jenna?" I asked once we got a little diner we came apon.

Caleb shrugged." She's nice I guess. I don't know I just met her though."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I smiled and held his hand.

Did I mention that I'm way excited about this tour?
♠ ♠ ♠

Did I mention I was sorry? =(
But now that it's practically summer for me I'm getting more amped up and in the zone to write.

Moreis to come so I hope I didn't lose any readers.


-Taylor xoxoxo.