I'm Marrying The Asshole of My School?

Chapter One

Beep, beep, beep!
The horrible, ear-deafening, earth shattering screech my alarm clock gave off had me falling back to reality-more like off my bed- before I was able to kiss this incredibly hunk-y guy square on the lips. I grumbled into my carpet, “Bruises for the win.”
The warmth my comforter gave off and the softness of my carpet had me dozing off again. And yet again, ten minutes later, before I was able to kiss the guy, my alarm went off. This time, I jerked the covers off and got on my knees, slamming my palm on to the snooze button angrily. Stupid clock. Mom just had to buy it at that thrift store. ‘Oh honey, this is so perfect for you! You’ll love it!’ I’ll bet she tried the alarm before she gave it to me.
I got up off the floor and stumbled out into the hallway, scratching my giant flannel jammie covered tummy as I headed for the bathroom. The early morning light seeped through the sheer white curtains and cast a shadow-y look across the surfaces in the room. I rubbed my eyes clear and than turned the hot water knob all the way on. What? I like my showers hot.

“OOMPH,” I FELL ON my bed after tripping over my many dogs. Pulling off the black ribbed tank top that obscured my vision, I blew strands of my annoyingly curly hair from my face after straightening my black bra out.
“Isabella and Tristan Kincaid,” The shrill of my mom’s voice floated up to my ears like a knife, “Hurry up or you’ll be late for school!”
I groaned loud enough for both my older brother and my younger brother to bang on either side of my wall. I was exactly five years younger than 22-year old Jack and eight years older that Tristan. The wind blew through my window and cast goose bumps across my flat tummy causing me to shudder. Working up enough energy from where I was sprawled in the middle of my bed, I stood up and finally got the tank top on. It wasn’t that I was big or anything, it was that, thanks to my darling mother, I got breasts that would always protest to wearing shirts of any kind by making it hard for me to get the clothing over them.
Ratchet, my white Siberian husky, started to wag his fluffy tail with his big brown eyes looking up at me. I raised my eyebrow, “Yes?”
His tail went faster like he understood me.
I just rolled my eyes and ruffled each of my five husky dogs on the head before I grabbed a pair of my ‘boyfriend’ fit cargo jeans with a low rise, butt snug feel and my studded belt. I pulled on my lacy black thong and than the jeans, threading the belt through the loops. Romeo, the only dog that wasn’t a husky (he was a Tibetan Mastiff), lounged on my pillow with one blue eye peeped open watching the door.
As I was hopping on one foot to get my sock on the other, the door opened and in came Tristan, that same curly blond hair as me flying around his face. “Izzy, mommy says to hurry up or your breakfast will be cold and than you’ll have to suffer through school with an empty stomach and than you’ll wither away like a toothpick in the middle of a rain storm until there was nothing left of you!”
“She does know that I can eat lunch there,” I laughed and picked up my scrawny nine-year old brother, carrying him downstairs with the dogs in tow. “Did you do all your homework?”
“Yep, yep,” He piped up. “We’re learning long division.”
I grinned, “That sounds extraordinarily hard,” Knowing full well that long division was nothing compared to AP Geometry. But he was in the fourth grade so I couldn’t blame him.
“It is!” He exclaimed as we rounded the stairs and entered the kitchen-y living room area.
Mom was standing over the stove a dark expression marring her strikingly beautiful face. I watched her anchor her fists to her hips and give a little “humph”.
I set Tristan down on the stool and seated myself next to him, “What’s up, doc?”
She turned her heated attention to me, her blueberry colored eyes blazing, until the water works came. She bawled into the dish towel, “I burnt the pancakes!”
Tristan giggled and chewed on his Lucky Charms while I rolled my eyes and Jack choked on his coffee. He pounded a large fist to his chest and sputtered, wiping the tears from the same blueberry eyes. “Mom, could you be more dramatic?”
She looked up at her three children and pouted, “I’m sorry, I just can’t help it.”
I pulled out my cell phone and checked my texts. I had a new one from Emma saying:
'Hey grl heyy! I no u don’t want me to meddle in ur love life but…I couldn’t help it.'
I gripped the phone and sighed inwardly texting her back a short reply:
'What. Did. You. Do?'
“Izzy, I’m gonna be taking you two to school today,” Jack said from behind the mug of steaming coffee. I nodded and tucked my phone into my pocket and went to get on my Converse sneakers. Since mom normally gets us up around six-ish and school starts at seven-fifty for Tristan and seven-forty five for me, we had at least a half an hour before we had to go. So I plopped myself on the couch, the six dogs crowding around me, laying here and there. “Cake, sweetie, move your giant head from my foot,” I nudged her black and white head and she just shifted, making a grumbling sound.
Jack came in and moved Dragon, the youngest husky, from the chair and than planted his butt on it. “Izzy, what do you think about me moving to college?”
I gave him a side-glance and raised an eyebrow, “Why would you want to? Your college is like ten minutes from here.”
“I mean, if I transferred,” He muttered. “I haven’t told mom yet, but I got accepted to Montclair State.”
“All the way in New Jersey?” I exclaimed, causing Romeo to look up.
Jack winced, “Uhm, yeah.”
“You know how far that is right?”
He didn’t say anything so I answered it for him, “Over a thousand miles!”
“Which is why I’m waiting for the right time to tell mom,” He said carefully.
I rolled my eyes, “She’s gonna flip out like there’s no tomorrow. How are you gonna pay for this little adventure?”
“I have my own money and it’s enough for tuition, room and board, and books.”
I crossed my arms under my chest, “What about us? You know, your little sister and brother? Tristan will be devastated when he finds out your leaving Illinois for New Jersey.”
He shifted; brows furrowed together, “I’ll come visit.”
“When? By the time you get here on the weekends, you’ll have to leave like ten minutes later,” I rubbed Romeo’s fuzzy head.
“I’ll come for the holidays.”
“Whatever,” I got up and went to the door.
Tristan came running out into the hallway and pulled his sneakers on almost losing balance as he tied them up. I moved the dogs out of the way and let him out first and waited for Jack to come. He grabbed his keys and we jumped into the Jeep.
“Tristan is getting dropped off first, okay Izzy?”
I nodded, “Right.”
The vibrations of my phone had me jump a little. I pulled it out and checked the text:
'Hehehe…u’ll see darlin’ u’ll see.'
I furrowed my eyebrows together and just pressed the end button, putting it back in my pocket. Jack stopped at a light and put on Cobra Starship’s The City is at War. I let my forehead press against the cool pane of the window and looked out watching people pass by.
“Izzy, Izzy,” Tristan chanted eagerly.
“Mm,” I asked, not wanting to say anything.
“I was wondering if you’d wanna go to see my play tomorrow!” That’s right; Tristan was in the play as the lead man. I flicked through my mental schedule and nodded, “I’ll go.”
“’Kay! Here’s a ticket,” He handed me a small piece of paper with the title, time and place on it. This year, he was Peter Pan. It suits him as well; he’s always so adventurous and fun-loving. With his curly blond hair and big brown eyes, the audience will fall to their knees asking for an encore. I put the ticket in my pocket as well and ran a hand through my hair as we pulled up to the elementary school.
“Bye, Triscuts,” I kissed his forehead and he ran up the outside of the school, meeting his friends there. Jack pulled away and we turned around to get to the high school. This was my last year until I graduated and I only had a few months left.
“Izzy,” Jack gave a sideways glance.
“I’m sorry if I upset you back at the house, but this is a good opportunity for me,” Jack’s voice sounded certain.
“Yeah, but what about your family?” I looked at him, “You’ll be over there and we’ll be here missing you and worrying about your safety.”
“I’m a big boy now, Isabella,” He said, sighing. “I don’t need my family’s protection.”
I was silent, feeling hurt and betrayed by my own brother. We pulled up to the school and I shot out of there before he was able to actually stop the car. I heard him call my name but I shut the door in his face and ran into the building as it began to rain.

I looked up from my book currently occupying my attention and saw Emma leaning over the table, her hands clasped behind her back. Her short, cropped brown hair was in little pigtails with her long bangs sweeping her perfect face, black eyeliner outlined her bright green eyes, a crooked nose from when I hit her with a baseball when we were little, a small oval mouth and a pointed chin. Emma had always been my best friend, even when she was part of the popular girls in middle school, she just dumped them for me when they mocked me and tormented me.
“Nothing, why?”
She raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and grinned, “Dear Izzy, I know you more than anyone. When something’s wrong, you normally bite your lower lip and furrow your eyebrows.”
I automatically stopped chewing on my lip, “Well, my brother might be moving to New Jersey for college.”
She furrowed her eyebrows as well, “You’re mom’s gonna flip.”
“I told him that,” I put the book away as the English teacher came in, “I’ll tell you later.”
“Promise?” She held out her pinkie.
“Promise,” I clasped hers with mine and we shook on it.
“Seats, Miss Smith, seats,” Mr. Offray said, placing his stuff on his desk, not even looking up to see if he was wrong about the person.
“Righty-o Mr. O,” She piped up, taking her seat next to me.
He rolled his eyes and picked up the dry erase marker and started writing on the white board. We watched him as he wrote vigorously on the board:
Romeo & Juliet Project:
One boy and one girl will be paired up to do this assignment together. No one can have a one-sided relationship so I expect teamwork. At the end of the marking period we will see how the two of you act together along with an oral and written report on your experiences and what you’ve learned.
As he stepped away and everyone could read it, we all groaned and moaned. Mr. O hushed us by whacking the desk with his heavy dictionary. “You will do this assignment because if you don’t you fail for the year and will get left back. I’ll be assigning your partners on Monday.”
I dropped my head in my arms and sighed. “Great.”
Emma patted my shoulder, “I think this is a good idea.”
Lifting my head up, I gave her a level stare, “That’s because guys are pawning all over you.”
“They would pawn all over you too if not for your stubborn and sarcastic nature,” She huffed, crossing her arms, ending the conversation.
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Ahh!! xD here's your first chapter for ya! lol