I'm Marrying The Asshole of My School?

Chapter Eleven

Ah the joys of Ben & Jerry; those are the only two guys who will ever be there when I’m down in the dumps.
Well, besides Rowen.
“Izzy, come on it’s not that bad,” Emma said, digging her spoon into the container of Cherry Garcia.
We were sitting up in my room; the double date was obviously canceled so we totally wound down into comfortable sweatpants, tank tops and fuzzy slippers. After washing our make up off and putting the dresses away neatly, we decided that it was time for some B & J. She had her short hair down and mine was up in a messy bun. I was sitting cross-legged, slumped over my container of S’mores, “I don’t get it,” I muttered, shaking my head.
Emma looked at me curiously, “Get what?”
“Why, if he’s such a jerk, do I feel so guilty for fighting with him?” I looked over at Astrid, who was lounging around on his rock in his tank. “Better yet, why do I feel like shit?”
“Well, maybe you like him,” She said around a mouthful of frozen cherries and ice cream.
I rolled my eyes, “Seriously? How far out in space are you?”
She shrugged one shoulder and swallowed, “Well, it was just a thought.”
“I know I shouldn’t feel guilty because I have Rowen,” I said, “But still, Eric’s my husband and I feel horribly betrayed by him even though I shouldn’t since we’re not really married.”
Emma nodded, taking another bite, “Very true, Iz.”
“What did Jack say about this?”
“Oh God,” Emma’s eyes widened and her hand went to her mouth.
I sighed, “You didn’t tell him and now he’s waiting at the restaurant right now, isn’t he?”
“Hang on a minute!” She ripped her cell from her purse and dialed a series of numbers that had to be his and put it to her ear.
“Hey there loving husband,” She laughed nervously.
I heard incoherent yelling on the other end.
“Sorry, but Eric and Izzy had a sort of…mishap,” Emma finally said. “And so I had to comfort my best friend. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I was too wrapped up in seeing if she was okay.”
More incoherent words on the other end but it didn’t seem as angry.
“I know, I’ll tell her,” Emma nodded, “Go home and I’ll see you in the morning. Come to Izzy’s house cause that’s where I am. All right, see you tomorrow.”
She hung up and smiled, “He’s fine now.”
I nodded and took a bite out of the S’mores.
We stayed in silence, eating our containers of Ben & Jerry’s and thinking. I honestly couldn’t take this anymore; there’s been too much drama in the course of two weeks. And I still had two more months left of this.
“This is too confusing for one night,” I took a huge bite of my S’mores and relished in the chocolate-y, marshmallow-y, and graham cracker-y goodness.
Emma nodded in agreement, “We should catch some Zs.”
We walked downstairs, quietly as to not wake up Rowen who was currently sprawled out on the couch, snoring. I smiled and gave his forehead a quick kiss before going into the kitchen.
“He’s adorable,” I said, putting the lids on the containers and then placing them back in the freezer, “I think this pick has to be your best out of all the guys you’ve tried to get me with.”
Emma grinned and tapped the side of her head, “Intuition; I knew you two would hit it off.”
I rolled my eyes, placing the spoons in the sink, “Intuition, my ass. You knew he liked me and took a shot in the dark by introducing him to me.”
She followed me out being careful not to step on the dogs that were sleeping in various parts of the living room. Romeo stood up and stretched, taking up the rear as we headed back upstairs to sleep.
“Why does he follow you all the time?”
“Well, he is my dog and I guess we have an odd connection,” I scratched his head and climbed into bed, Emma following and Romeo taking up the space at our feet.
“Night, Iz.” She shut off the light on the nightstand.
“Night,” I rolled on to my side, facing the wall and closed my eyes.

THUNDER STRUCK AS I ran through the forest. The thick branches and twigs, scraped at my skin and I let out a whimper as one of the branches cut my leg deeper. Blood seeped down my thigh and calf, soaking into my socks. I didn’t know why I was running, all I know is that it was scary and I needed to get away at all costs. I heard a howl behind me, only making me pump my legs faster. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get away. That’s what the predator does; they run you down until you get too tired to run anymore and then they kill you. It was futile to keep trying to escape; there was nothing I can do about it.
I was going to die.
Suddenly I tripped over a thick root sticking up out of the ground and fell, skidding in the dirt, cutting up my arms and palms, “Ow.”
I hobbled to my feet and started running again; but it was too late. There in front of me was a large shadowed silhouette, red eyes gleaming in the darkness. I backed up and hit into the trunk of a tree.
The silhouette gave off a menacing laughter; deep in its chest and stalked forward, “Hello, dear Isabella.”
I gripped the trunk, my heart racing, “Who are you?”
“You will learn in time,” He stopped a few inches in front of me and lifted his long hand from inside the cloak.
I winced, thinking he was going to punch me or slap me, but instead, he let his warm fingers trail across my dirty cheek and into my matted hair, “What do you want?”
He began to finger a piece of my hair and then let his glowing eyes land on my face. His smile was full of two pointy canines, “I want many things.”
If I was any closer to this tree, I would be inside it, “What are you?”
I couldn’t really see his face except for his eyes and those…teeth. “I am the earth, I am the wind, and I am one of the things that go bump in the night. I…am werewolf.”
No time for cryptic messages; must get away before he decides to eat me for dinner. I darted my eyes around looking for a way to escape. Hold up! Did he just say werewolf? There’s no such thing as werewolves; it’s impossible. I looked up at him, trying to peer into his dark hood. “Werewolf?”
He gave a small nod, “And you are my food; bound to me forever.”
My eyes widened as his mouth came down for my neck; the killing spot.
Yep, I’m definitely going to die. I wonder what is gonna happen to me.
The man-wolf stopped short of my jugular, his hot breath creating a fan across my shoulder and neck, “Not tonight, my dear Isabella.”
His deep voice rumbled against my chest and then he was gone without a trace. I looked around and then collapsed at the base of the tree, sighing, “What is going on?”
I sat there for I don’t know how long, until rain started pouring down on me, washing away the dirt from my skin and clothes. Looking up, I saw the moon, bright as a car headlight, from between the dark rain clouds.

I WOKE UP NOT in a cold sweat but still feeling pretty miserable. I was still facing the wall, Emma snoozing behind me and Romeo’s head on my feet. So it was all a dream, none of it real. I ran my hand through my hair and sat up a little, looking over at the clock; six twenty-one in the morning. I sighed, “Too early, must sleep more.”
My alarm blared to life just as I placed my head on the pillow. Emma jumped from her sleep and slammed her hand on the snooze button, “My God, is that why you’re always wide awake in the morning?”
I nodded, “Yeah, sadly.”
We shuffled out of bed, Romeo curling up on the pillow as soon as we stood. I stretched, “When’s Jack coming?”
“Someone call me?”
My brother popped his head in.
“No, we were talking about this other guy, get out so we can get dressed,” I threw my fuzzy pillow at the door as he closed it.
Emma yawned, “He’ll be here in like twenty minutes.”
I nodded, “Well you can borrow some of my clothes.”
“Thankies,” She quickly grabbed the clothes I handed her and rushed into the bathroom.
I wasn’t in a very happy mood so I decided on my baggy purple jammie pants with dancing monkeys on them, a black camisole, a purple sock and a black sock. Changing quickly, I put my hair up in a messy bun near the top of my head and walked downstairs. Since it was earlier than most times, Rowen and the household was dead silent being that Jack already left for work. I sat down at the edge of the couch and brushed a few stray hairs from his face. The pale morning light played up his sharp features, casting small shadows here and there. I noticed he hadn’t shaven in a while creating a stubble around his jaw and chin. I rubbed my thumb against it, seeing the healing cuts from when he and Eric fought. Leaning down, I kissed his temple softly and went into the kitchen to start the morning.
“…Bound to me forever.”