I'm Marrying The Asshole of My School?

Chapter Two

“Mr. O?” I knocked lightly on the wooden door frame, poking my head in.
Mr. O was hunched over his desk, scribbling furiously on some papers, his brown hair falling over his face. I’d have to say, Mr. O wasn’t really that old; in fact he was only thirty-eight. He still had to look of a young person with high cheek bones, a strong jaw and a lean built. The only thing that gave off the fact that he was old was the gray hair at his temples and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.
“Yes, Isabella?” He didn’t look up from his work; I swear sometimes he’s psychic.
“Um, I was wondering-”
“Come in if you’re going to talk to me,” He glanced over his wire-rimmed glasses and ushered me in with a flick of his wrist.
I came up to his messy desk and clasped my hands in front of me, “I was wondering if you would let me partner with someone from the other classes.”
“Why?” He looked up, an unfamiliar glint in his gray blue eyes.
“Because I really don’t like some of the guys in this class,” I trailed off when he gave an ‘Oh come on’ look, “Okay, so I don’t like all of them.”
“Why is that?”
I tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear and sighed, “I don’t know, I’m just not comfortable with them.
He raised his eyebrow.
“All right fine! It’s because they’re all stuck up arrogant jerks!” I exclaimed, anchoring my hands to my hips.
“Well,” He smiled, “Than this might be good for the guy….and you.”
“What do you mean?” I asked as the bell shrilled over my voice.
“It means, you have to get to class,” He ducked his head back down and began to scribble away again, dismissing me.
I left, way more confused than when I came in.
The halls quickly filled with bodies and talking. I was able to dodge everyone with only a few bumps and a couple of “watch were you’re going!” Emma was leaning against my locker when I finally got there. She grinned, “Izzy my dear, you’re going to love me.”
I raised my eyebrow while shoving my books into my cluttered locker, “Why am I going to love you?”
“Because,” She elongated the word while looking behind me, “Of him.”
I turned slowly around and came face the chest with a giant. Well, I could see he was wearing a nice clean black shirt. Emma cleared her throat, “Izzy, his face isn’t there.”
“Right,” I looked up…and up and up to find that guy from the football team. Och, what’s his name? Ryan? Raphael? Richard? Something with an ‘R’…
“Iz, this is Rowen,” I heard the smile in her voice, “He’s the quarterback and he’s also in our English class.”
Rowen nodded slightly, “I am.”
I blinked; his voice was a deep rasp that felt as though it warmed me up inside like whiskey does, “So what bad things has Emma told you about me?”
He smiled, revealing a small dimple in his left cheek, “Nothing bad, just the good. Why? Should I know the bad stuff?”
“No,” I chuckled, “Whatever she says I swear all the trouble comes to me. I don’t go looking for it.”
“Well, now that got me intrigued,” He ran a large, tan hand through the untamable wavy brown hair of his to get it out of his face. “What class do you have next?
“Uhm, I have AP Geometry with Stickler,” I made a face.
He winced, “Ouch, very harsh. That class must suck.”
I sighed, “It does, but I manage to get ‘B’s.”
He laughed low in his throat, “Your friend has left you to fend for yourself.”
I raised my eyes and looked back to find an empty spot where my darling best friend once was. “I see that.”
“Would you like me to escort you to class?”
“Won’t you be late?” I looked back up at him.
“Eh, I have Ms. Davy, she would never mark anyone late,” He shrugged a broad shoulder making the fabric of his shirt stretch to accommodate his muscles.
I nodded, “All right-y then.”
He held out his arm, “Shall we?”
“Why yes, we shall,” I looped my arm through his and we headed towards the Math wing of the school.
As we rounded the corner, I accidentally hit into a guy and fell down on my butt, “Ow.”
“You okay Isabella?” Rowen knelt down and put his hand at the small of my back to help me sit up.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I looked up to find the biggest asshole in the history of this school. No lie; he cheats, he lies, he curses at teachers, he’s the biggest bully ever and he’s Rowen’s teammate.
He was the walking stereotype of a jerk; perfect Abercrombie clothes, perfect height, perfect lean body, perfect blue eyes, perfect beautiful face with the oh-so perfect spiked blond hair, perfect, perfect, perfect! Urg, it really ticks me off sometimes to watch him radiate his perfect stupidity down the halls and in our English class.
I narrowed my eyes at him, “Why don’t you watch where you’re going?”
“Why don’t you shut that hole in your face?” He retorted, glaring down at me.
“Hey, Eric, leave her alone man,” Rowen said, giving Eric a full blown death glare, “She didn’t do anything to you.”
“Yeah she did,” He smirked, “She was born.”
“You’re such an asshole,” I stood up and brushed myself off. “Just go jump off a cliff and make everyone happy.”
Rowen rubbed my back lightly, trying to calm my down, “Don’t you have a class to go to, Eric?”
“Nope, skipping man,” He glanced from him to me and than back, “You coming? Me and some of the others are going to get some booze and play Beer Pong.”
“I’d rather get an education than have some poor girl do it for me,” Rowen said stiffly.
Eric quirked an eyebrow and than shrugged, “Whatever man, I can see you’re turning into a pansy. Check ya later dude.”
We watched him walk off and than I looked up at Rowen, “Thanks.”
“No problem, most of the guys on the team are really irked by him sometimes,” We walked down the hall and stopped in front of Sticker’s door, “He thinks he’s the biggest thing in the world.”
I smiled, “Exactly. I swear that boy’s head will explode one day from all that ego.”
Rowen gave a lop-sided smile and bent down to hug me as I stuck my hand out to shake his. He backed up a minute and blinked, “Sorry.”
“Oh,” I leaned in for a hug as he stuck his hand out for a shake. Soon it turned into a sort of awkward hand shake/ hug dance thing. Finally we agreed on a shake and I let his warm, calloused hand to envelope mine entirely.
I looked up at him, “Thank you for walking me to my class.”
“My pleasure,” He let go of my hand reluctantly and was about to say something when the late bell shrilled out, “I’ll tell you later,” He called and waved as he left for his class.
I did have to give Emma props; she gave me a gentleman. Mr. Stickler cleared his throat and held open the door for me. I blushed and ducked my head as I walked past him and than down into my seat. This was gonna be a long day.

I NEVER got a chance to talk to Rowen later because Emma dragged me out to her car and over to her house for info.
So we sat on her bed, playing black jack, talking about Rowen.
“So, he’s nice right?” She grinned.
“Mhm, he is,” I nodded, laying down a three of hearts.
She furrowed her eyebrows at her cards and than picked one up from the pile, “I told you, you would love me!”
“I’ve gotta hand it to you Ems, you finally got it right,” I put down a jack of hearts and she quickly put a jack of clubs over mine.
“What’s that mean?” She said, finally looking up at me.
“Well, normally you pick weirdos to go out with me,” I picked up a five of clubs and placed it down.
“Humph! I take that offensively,” She lifted her chin and sniffed, mocking the pish-posh girls in our school.
I giggled, “I think you’re on something.”
“Definitely, I’m doing mari-ju-wanna,” She cracked up, knocking our cards on the floor.
I exclaimed, laughing, “Look what you did to our cards!”
“Oh, whatever, I won anyway!” She jumped off the bed and ran into her bathroom.
I raised an eyebrow, “What are you doing?”
Silence; and than, “Oh Izzyyyy.”
My eyes widened like saucers, “That’s not fair!”
Emma was standing in the doorway with a container of baby power pointed at me, I’ll teach you to make fun of my guy choices!!”
I screamed/ laughed as she sprayed it at me. I dodged it and got another bottle and we began our oh-so famous baby powder fight like we always do every Friday. Emma got me on my side and I got it in her hair. She let out a battle cry and charged me, spraying baby powder everywhere. I fell back on the bed, covered from head to toe in it as she and her room was. The bed was frosted and parts of the wall and carpet were as well.
“I feel better,” I said to her as she fell back next to me.
“Me too,” She muttered, her eyes closing.
I nodded to myself, yep, time for some sleep.
So, we both fell asleep exactly where we were.
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Second!! xD