I'm Marrying The Asshole of My School?

Chapter Nine

It ended up with me staying over Eric’s house because it was too late to have Mom or Jack come pick me up and Eric’s Dad was working later than he thought.
“Mom, is it all right if you can come get me now?” I had asked.
She was sleeping so she answered drowsily, “Sweetie, it’s twelve o’clock at night, I’m sleeping and so is Jack. Can his Dad take you home?”
“His Dad’s working later then Eric thought.”
“Ah, well I guess it’s fine that you stay there for tonight only. Nothing better happen.”
“Don’t worry, nothing will.”
“All right, love you.”
“Love you too, night.”
“Night,” She hung up.
So we were sitting on his couch watching the old Dracula movie and eating popcorn at like 3 in the morning. I had asked him if I could borrow some clothes to wear so he gave me a pair of his boxers and a tee shirt; which was what I’m wearing now. He calmed down since earlier and was happily eating away at the popcorn. I curled my legs up against my chest and watched Dracula drain the life out of a girl who stupidly walked into the room where he was.
I was hoping he would become much nicer to me or anyone in school since he was finally able to open up to someone about his past. Even if he were to be nicer, he’d have to earn people’s respect because of all the stuff he’s done. I glanced over at him watching him scarf down the popcorn at an alarming rate, “Hey, save me some!”
He looked up and over at me, mouth puffed out from stuffing his face, “Mrphff rmmry.”
I shook my head, “Chew your food first.”
He took a minute to chew and then swallow, “Sorry, I said ‘I’m sorry’”
Nodding, I took the bowl from his lap and put it next to me, in between us. “Its fine, I’ll go make more.”
I went to get up but he grabbed my wrist and got up as well, “No, you sit, I’ll get it. I mean, I was the one who ate it all.”
He smiled and walked into the kitchen and I sat back down, dazedly. He actually was courteous for once. I had to blink a couple of times for it to sink in to my noggin.
“Can you come in for a minute?”
“Sure,” I got up and walked in, expecting to be like attacked or something.
Instead I came face to face with a bouquet of flowers.
I backed up a bit, “What’s this?”
Eric smiled, “Well, I decided to be a good husband and get these for you. You know, to make up for what I did.”
I looked down at the flower’s cradled in my arms and than up at him, “That’s so sweet of you. When did you get them?”
“My garden,” He tucked a piece of stray hair behind my ear, “Do you like them?”
I smiled and smelt them, “They’re lovely.”
His smiled brightened even more, “I’m glad,” And then the hugging again.
I should really tell him that hugging me still feels a little awkward to me. But I just tensed up again and looked around the room, eyebrows furrowed. “Uhm, can you let go now?”
“Right,” He stood up straight.
Beep, beep, beep!
The microwave jolted to life with its insufferable beeping. Eric walked over and pulled out a bag of popcorn and dumped it into the bowl, making sure not to hurt himself. I placed to flowers down gently on the kitchen table so I wouldn’t lose them and sat down on one of the stools, watching him. The more I look, the more I see his flaws.
His shoulders were a little on the small side, his arms built like a swimmer/ punk-y person, his waist wasn’t narrow like most guys I knew; no, his was wider. He had a bit of bowleg and his butt wasn’t that perfect. The only thing perfect was his smile. That was the one thing that could brighten a homeless person’s life and make them think they could do anything. It’s the type of smile that makes girls swoon and faint. I put my chin my palm, leaning my elbow on the island, my eyes furrowed. I don’t see anything that would make a girl want to go out with him. I take back what I said earlier that one day; he’s definitely not the walking definition of perfect. In fact he looks more like the stereotype of a cute but dorky band geek. He ran his hand through his hair and looked over at me, but I didn’t seem to notice.
I fingered a smooth velvet petal of the flowers, my eyebrows still furrowed. As I continued to think about him, I went to his change in attitude in the fifth and sixth grade to his mother. I wonder how after nine years, they haven’t found the killer. It seems a bit odd.
Really, how can someone kill another person and they don’t get caught?
I’ve seen CSI and Law & Order, no one gets away because you leave too much evidence that you don’t even realize you leave. It’s like the person just up and disappeared.
Izzy!” His hand was waving in my face.
I jumped, and fell back off the stool, “Ow.”
He leaned over me, “You okay?”
“Oh yeah, I fall off stools all the time, it’s no problem, just a concussion!”
He smiled, “Well, you’re being sarcastic, which is a good sign.”
I narrowed my eyes and rubbed the back of my head, sitting up, “Right.”
He helped me up and went to get some aspirin as I sat there leaning against the island. My phone blared to life and I quickly ripped it from my pocket and pressed SEND. “Hello?”
“AHHH Izzy!!!”
I pulled the phone from my ear and winced, “Ouch, Emma, calm down.”
“Sorry, just missed you,” I heard her laughing; “I was waiting for your voicemail! I didn’t think you’d be up so late!”
“Why’d you call?” I inquired, happily.
“I just missed you and hoped we can hang out, you know…a double date,” Her voice was full of sighing.
“Not having fun with your “husband”?” I giggled.
“Not at all! He’s always staring at himself in a portable mirror or whatever reflects his face,” She sighed, “I bet Eric isn’t any better.”
I smiled, “Basically, but oddly enough, he does have his good moments,” I paused, “When he’s not arguing with me or fighting with Rowen.”
“Seriously? Is that how he got his broken arm?”
“Yeah,” I said, watching Eric come back with two aspirin pills and glass of water.
“The rumors were that you did it,” She said, like she didn’t believe it.
“Wow, people are so stupid, but no it wasn’t me, it was Rowen,” I silently mouthed a “thank you” to him and he nodded, sitting down next to me on another stool.
“I can’t believe they would fight. When, where, and why?” She persisted.
“My house last night, because of me,” I laughed when she squealed.
“Are you kidding?”
“Nope,” I smiled.
“Wow, so would you like to come on a double date with me and Jack?” Her voice was pleading, “Pleeeeease?”
“Sure,” I laughed, “When?”
“Tomorrow night,” She said.
“I’ll let him know,” I looked over at Eric, “See you tomorrow, honey.”
“Love youuuu!!!”
I laughed, “Love you too.”
“Bye,” She giggled.
“Bye,” I closed my phone.
I nodded, “We’re going on a double date tomorrow with her and her “husband” Jack.”
“Ah, the conceited soccer star,” He nodded.
“Yep,” I popped the aspirin pills on my mouth and took a huge gulp of water, swallowing the pills, “So we’re going tomorrow night. Please dress nicely.”
“I will,” He leaned over and kissed my forehead.
I got up and went into the living room, him following after grabbing the bowl of popcorn. We settled down on the couch and finished watching Dracula. He pulled it out of the DVD player and then put in Young Frankenstein. I let him wrap a blanket around us and we began to eat and watch the movie well into morning; about six-thirty in the morning to be exact. I was hoping he would stay this nice from now on with me because after what he told me, I really didn’t want to argue and yell at him.
In a way I felt bad for him. I let my head rest on his shoulder, his head leaning against mine. I felt his hand sneak from his leg and slide over mine to reach my hand. His warm hand enveloped mine and squeezed as we fell asleep.