Learning to Fall

The Past Resurfaces In The Most Haunting Way

(Martin’s POV)
“Take it easy. You got a nasty gash.” I said leaving the chair I was sitting in, to attend to Alex’s side.

“What…what happened?” She asked as I tried to help her sit up in my bed.

“Wait…Nonnie!” She exclaimed followed by yelp of pain as she moved too fast.

“I said take it easy.” I laughed as she gently touched the bandage on her forehead. “You certainly don’t listen. Nonnie is fine. She made it home ok and doesn’t remember a thing. Do you remember much?” I asked.

She looked at me with those beautiful eyes of hers like she had an epiphany or something. “I remember a fight. I tried to get Nonnie to safety and Jeff was there along with a vampire named Sara.” Alex replied. Then she started to tell me everything else from her attack but stopped.

“I’m sorry. I knew to be home before dark but Nonnie and I got so wrapped up in her project that we lost track of time. It won’t happen again.” She said reassuringly.

“I got worried when it started to get dark. I called your cell…” I started.

“Sorry about that. I left it in my car.” She said looking down.

“Well, after you didn’t pick up and I got your voicemail, I got the posse together which would be me, Paul, John, and Bryan, to look for you. I knew you had to be at work or around it still. That’s how we found you and I am glad that we did in time.” I said touching Alex’s chin. She pulled away from me and looked down.

There was a pause of silence between us until she looked up at me and said, “Why didn’t you tell me about Sara? Or the fact that you hang around me is because I look like her?”

“I…thought she was dead. I knew you weren’t her.” Was all I could say?

“You loved Sara. You asked her to marry you and she said yes. You guys went out celebrating with friends one night only to be attacked, which resulted in you being turned into what you are now? Am I getting warmer?” She said staring at me.

“How do you know this? Did Sara tell you this?” I asked confused.

“Is this not what happened?” She pressed.

“Yes. I couldn’t save her.” I said looking down now.

Alex took hold of my hands and lifted my chin up. “Sara did love you but she gave up. She quit the fight. She let that vampire take her into an alley thinking he would let you go but she knew in her heart that wasn’t going to happen. Sara knew it and instead of fighting for survival, she let herself be turned.” Alex explained.

“How do you know this?” I asked Alex again.

“I know because I have felt her pain. I have felt her memories. I have seen her memories. I can’t explain it but we are connected somehow. That night you rescued me and took me to the hospital was the first night I dreamed of Sara. I dreamed of you too but could never see your face. That was when I dreamed of you proposing to her and making her the happiest girl in the world. Martin, Sara did love you once.”

“I also dreamed of you two being attacked but I didn’t see everything clearly. I had many dreams, but none of them clear until tonight. Before I woke up, I saw everything. I finally saw your face reflected in her memories. I saw how hurt and scared you were. I felt how scared she was and most of all the pain she went through of losing you from her mistake. It was too late for her to save you because she went down another path. She chose to go off with that vampire then to go down fighting or run to get help.”

“I know this probably comes as a shock to you that I know all of this now. Now I know why that vampire called me boss the day we were attacked in the park.” Alex replied as I jerked my hand away. I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say. I got up and started pacing the room.

“There’s more.” Alex replied after a long silence.

“What more could there be?” I asked.

“Sara is the one who killed Jeff.” Alex sighed.

“Why?” I demanded.

“Sara told me before you arrived and I was knocked out that she was trying to find me. She had dreamed my memories and saw Jeff. Sara couldn’t get him out of her head. It made sense to her to find Jeff and kill him so that he could lead her to me, thinking it would stop her dreams.” Alex explained.

“Sara said something about vampires taking away her love so she thought that if she took away mine, her dreams would stop, which they didn’t.” She added.

I walked back over to the bed and sat next to Alex. “How do you know Sara?” I said grabbing her shoulders.

“I…I don’t other then the dreams. Martin, your scaring me.” Alex replied.

I let Alex go and got up off the bed. My mind raced. Why was Sara back after I thought I killed her and why is she having dreams about Alex and vice versa?

“I got to get out of here.” I said leaving Alex in my room and grabbing my coat to go outside.

“Hey man, where are you going?” Paul asked as I headed to the front door.

“Out. Can you take care of her?” I asked referring to Alex.

“Sure.” Paul said confused as I slammed the door behind me.